Cyber Monday is on track to smash record

Shoppers didn't wait this year for Cyber Monday - spending online all weekend long...

Still - Cyber Monday came anyway - and the spending was expected to break more records.

Early estimates from Adobe Analytics put online sales on track for almost $30 billion for the start of the holiday season, with Cyber Monday sales alone set for the highest ever at more than $9 billion.

The National Retail Federation predicts 69 million Americans wil scour the web for deals on Monday.

Though the online retail world is the domain of the likes of Amazon...

the so called big box retailers have stepped up their online game to better compete.

This year, free shipping is available to all Target customers throughout the holiday shopping season...

while Walmart is offering free two-day shipping or same-day pickup in the store.

Analysts note there is solid consumer response to the buy-online, pick-up in store combination, which is also boosting online sales.

But some brick-and-mortar retailers are cracking under the pressure on their websites.

The holiday weekend already saw the breakdown of Costco's site for a brief period and jeweler Pandora had a temporary glitch that made it impossible to pay with debit, gift or loyalty cards.

Both problems have been fixed as retailers put out fresh deals to lure traffice on what is likely to be the biggest Cyber Monday ever.