Daddy Days: Silver linings to an ice storm

My observations have led me to conclude there are five personality types among kids at pretty much every playground.
My observations have led me to conclude there are five personality types among kids at pretty much every playground.

Did anyone else get deja vu a few weeks ago? I couldn’t tell if it was February 2021 or 2023 with all the icy roads, closed stores and power outages. Thankfully the cold weather didn’t last as long this time, but the ice accumulations of up to ¾ of an inch were something else.

Looking out the window at tree branches encased in sparkling, crystalline ice is a pretty sight. Until those branches come crashing down from the weight of the ice.

We didn’t lose power this time around (or water), but our live oak trees were significantly impacted. The sound of branches dropping onto the roof or into the yard in the wee morning hours is now on my list of top sounds I hate (along with forks being scraped on plates, metal water bottles being dropped on wooden seats, and the phrase “Dad, the toilet’s clogged!” being howled across the house).

Homeownership is an alternating defensive struggle against the natural elements trying to break into the house, and an offensive struggle against manmade systems breaking down. Because this struggle often requires the assistance of a professional, I like to have a good relationship with a local home service professional and/or tradesman.

You know those people who, like Kramer from "Seinfeld," always “have a guy” for anything? Well, I’m getting there. Maybe I should start a Daddy Days-approved list of home service providers. Watch out Angie’s List.

We have an HVAC guy, builder, plumber, electrician, gutter guy, floor guy and gal, and roofer. All of these businesses are local, family owned, and have proven to be both honest and knowledgeable folks.

So when the branches fell on the house and the possibility of a roof leak sprang into my mind, I immediately reached out to Ruddy. Ruddy and his son Jake operate Ruddy’s Roofing. Maybe I’m partial to them because they’re a father and son business and that idea has always appealed to me. Maybe it’s because Ruddy replaced our entire roof after a hailstorm and made what seemed like a daunting process go smoothly. Maybe it’s because he always responds quickly to my neurotic roof questions and has always been honest and straightforward.

Or maybe it’s because the boys think his son, Mr. Jake, is a superhero because he climbs on the roof.

For all these reasons, I reached out to Ruddy about the potential roof issue. And by potential roof issue I mean to downplay my certainty that we were doomed and the whole house was going to collapse.

Turns out the damage was pretty minimal. A punctured shingle or two on the ridge cap that Jake took care of on the spot.

Like I mentioned, we have a whole list of great people we’ve worked with. I’m always happy to give referrals, but I rarely mention any specific companies by name in this column. But I’m giving a shoutout to Ruddy and Jake for two reasons. One, they quickly repaired the small issue as they have done several times now and alleviated my fears of water pouring in through the roof like that scene in Titanic. And secondly, I wanted to share this story.

When Ruddy replaced our roof after a hail storm, he made a deal with the boys that he’d pay them a quarter for each nail they found in the yard after the roof work was done. This sort of challenge is the epitome of boyhood fun. A scavenger hunt for pieces of metal for which I’m paid money?! This pretty well describes most of my boys’ dream job.

Those boys scoured the ground, got out magnets and searched every inch of the deep grass for days, and each ended up collecting a small pile of nails. Then Jake came to the house with a bag full of quarters and after counting each nail he paid each boy based on what they found.

This was a couple years ago and the boys still talk about the time Mr. Jake paid them for the nails. I can’t think of a better example of doing business with a family-owned touch.

Jake and Ruddy stand out not so much because of what they do but how they go about doing it. I’m encouraged to see the values of honesty, responsibility and kindness alive and well in their business as well as many other family-owned businesses around here. And you know, if it takes the occasional hail storm, ice storm or house problem to remind me of this, so be it.

Harris and his wife live in Pflugerville with their six sons. Please email comments or suggestions for future columns to

Caleb Harris
Caleb Harris

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Daddy Days: Silver linings to an ice storm