Your Daily CatScope for January 20, 2022

While Whiskers may not be able to communicate his needs purrfectly, today’s planets certainly can. With only your sun sign, you can use Catscope to translate the feelings of your feline friend.


No matter how quickly the moment arrives, you are there to seize on it today! You're out the door like a flash or on that bowl of kibble as if it were days past your feeding time.


Even if you have been having bad problems with a good friend, today should bring you the resolution you need. You're better able to understand their side of things, even if their language makes no sense to you.


Other cats usually pay attention to you, but today they all seem to be off doing their own thing -- or, worse, to be actively opposed to your goals. Try to get along without them for thew time being.


No matter how badly you want to just sleep through the day, you've got at least one important appointment or task to take care of before you can do so. Get it out of the way quickly!


Your human friends might start to get a little irked by your constant attention at some point in the day, but you are so filled with enthusiasm that you can't help yourself! Follow them and share.

What does the moon say about your emotional nature? Master your emotions with a Natal Moon Report!


It's one of those days when you really need to make sure that you're nestled with someone you care for as much as you can be. Your great energy is p effect for snuggling and making muffins.


You're in a bad mood -- though you're probably not taking it out on others unless they invade your space in a big way. Just crawl under the bed or somewhere safe and let it pass -- it doesn't take long!


You know just what you want -- do you know how to get it? Even if you don't, you're fine with showing people and nudging them, in the right direction, with purrs or with piercing yowls.


Don't pussyfoot -- let those humans know just how they've offended you! Their fancy language doesn't help, but you can still get your point across if you step up and start meowing!


Someone gives you some praise unexpectedly, and you could not be happier! You can share all that great energy with your friends or store it away for use when you're feeling low in the future.


Now is a good time to hold yourself back from taking bold action -- you really need to make sure that you're not going too far! Someone needs to see that you are reliable, and they need to see it soon.


Your friends and furry relations are looking out for you today, much more than usual. See if you can get them to push back against that bully or help you figure out that one door that's impossible to open.

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