Your Daily Couples Horoscope for October 02, 2022

Communication is key in any relationship, but sometimes things fall through the cracks. Our daily couple horoscope can help you find what’s been lost and maintain that spark!


Today, it's extra important to pay attention to your partner. How are they? Did they get a haircut and you didn't notice? Are they stressed out? Sleep deprived? Ask. It'll really help.


If you're feeling a little bit ho-hum in your intimate relationship, maybe it's time to take a little time just for you. Often, problems with a partner have roots in unresolved issues within ourselves.


If you aren't lighting a few candles today with the dinner you whipped up for them, then they're lighting candles for the dinner they whipped up for you. What's for dessert?


If you have a little tussle with your partner, or they have a little tussle with you today, don't take it too seriously. Sometimes people just don't get along perfectly.


You two are like a hand and glove. You're like wings and a dove. You're like...well, you get the idea. You go great together!

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!


Today, you're sharing notes just like you did in high school. But instead of comparing chemistry notes with your best buddy, you're comparing what's in your heart with your partner.


Sometimes it's like there's a bright shining light bulb in your heart and somebody just flipped it on. And you're lighting up every hidden little crevice of your partner's heart.


If you want to go to the movies and they want to go to the opera, why not give in? After all, even though it's very long and the seats are uncomfortable, opera is awfully romantic.


Today, you're going to be laughing a lot even if nothing is all that funny. Why? You just feel so good. Make sure you let your partner in on it.


If you wish you guys went on more exotic day trips, or did more cultural activities, or learned to play an instrument together, make it happen! Start today!


You guys are going to encounter something new together today. Is it a new philosophy or a new cuisine? Maybe it will be both. It should broaden your horizons as a couple.


You and your partner might have one of those things they call tiffs today. Whether it's about money or love, or something else entirely, hang in there and try to work it out.

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