Your Daily FinanceScope for September 24, 2022

The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!


You are the epitome of insensitive. You may come across as tactless and not even know it. Discussing money with certain people is like being lost in a foreign culture. Try to learn the language fast.


If only you had enough time to catch your breath, much less get philosophical. But you're too busy just trying to maintain. Better times are not far ahead. Until then, don't bother analyzing your circumstances.


You could never say I Told You So to enough people to set the world right. Why even bother trying. Preaching won't get you far even to a small audience, so preach to the choir by focusing on your own finances instead.


If you really want to do something for yourself, you'll do something for someone else. Your heart is what needs nurturing and throwing money at it won't do the trick. Be of service instead.


Your old fervor is slowly trickling back. You might not have the boundless energy and enthusiasm of a year ago, but your heart is beginning to be back in the game of making money. Enjoy.

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You are full of doom and gloom. You can shake the bad attitude but only with some effort. Go ahead, be daring. Or consider your family obligations if that's a more pressing motivator.


You're too focused on money for your own good. Finance isn't really about lofty ideas. It could be time to look up from the numbers and start exploring something more idealistic.


Trust your instincts, not a sales pitch. One impulse buy could bring down your entire house of cards. When you get that nagging feeling in your gut, shut your wallet.


It's time to take stock of all your assets. Friendship, it turns out, is your most valuable. If that's only because you've lost so much financially, then that's all the more reason to nurture the good will.


Discipline and structure are good psychological and emotional tools, if nothing else. Keep putting them to good use even if projects seem to be going nowhere.


There's a lot more to life than money. You need to expand your interests. Try being of use with other people's needs instead of just your own for a change.


One wrong word and all deals are off. You can't afford to be casual about it, either. Keep your lips zipped when it comes to finance today, to avoid being a blabbermouth.

What does your moon sign mean? Learn more about your emotional world with a Moon Sign Reading! 🌙