Your Daily HomeScope for March 24, 2023

If home is where the heart is, why shouldn’t it follow the same stars that we do? Our relationships with our homes are sacred, and like most, could use a bit of counseling here and there. Tap on your sun sign and start making your house more of a home today!


You did some emotional cleansing yesterday, now it is time to clean house and do something that makes it look pretty such as hanging that cute photo your niece sent you in a place that you can see it each day.


Camaraderie is healthy for spirit and body. While socializing over lunch at a club meeting, your friendship with an acquaintance will deepen over shared, like ideals. Planning a chili supper with bowls donated by local ceramic and clay artists will be successful for a charity event.


Seek cozy spaces and small groups over open spaces and huge groups if possible and you will relate to people better. Chairs crowded around a table may achieve this better than beanbags. Your housemates could be moody so tread softly if you arrive home late so you don't disturb them.


Ah... the satisfaction of a job well done. Look around you. Your garden is perfect. Your home is clean and seasonal maintenance has been done. Now, you can relish that best seller you have been itching to read. Install a reading light in the lamp near your favorite chair.


Your honest desire to maintain goodwill between neighbors on either side of you may not be possible -- one has a barking dog and one does not. Your suggestion of obedience training will only be received well if you offer it quietly to one party.

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Almost there, you can do it. Keep going and it gets easier. Put that second coat of varnish on the deck to protect it against storms. Your trouble and effort will be worth it.


You are flattered when a friend asks you to help her decide how to decorate her guest room so it suits masculine and feminine tastes. Testing chairs for comfort in the furniture store could lead to a purchase for your own home.


Nurturing others and health are two sides of the same coin. If you walk your hound the benefits may be three fold at least: Lose a pound, make your hound happy and sleep better.


The money you sweat to earn is supposed to make you feel a sense of achievement, not justification. If someone smirks at your new hot tub, let the comment go. You know what needs the tub fulfills. Keep it free of debris by making sure the cover is fastened securely after each use.


A few days on the road for business have left you longing for the comforts of your own bed. Once home, be certain to set your alarm before you sleep as there will be no wake-up call to sleep through.


Bring fairy magic into your bathroom with colorful hanging root jars filled with plant cuttings. The fair ones will have a place to flit and swing and reward you with extra energy in the mornings.


Pair that quaint tabletop saucer you found at an estate sale with a small potted succulent. The attractive design on the edge of the plate and the natural beauty of the Sempervivum -- also known as Jupiter's Beard -- complement each other. A side table is the perfect place for a succulent to grow and bring their verdant energy to your home without requiring much of your time.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.