Your Daily MomScope for January 17, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Your kiddo has a way of mustering those around them to work for a common goal, such as that big sandcastle. You can have a similar way of getting people around you to work together today -- much to your advantage.


So you gave your tyke a rousing speech to inspire them to achieve greatness -- and they yawned and rolled their eyes! Since actions speak most loudly today, try leading by example. Kind gestures come back to you multiplied.


You're ready for a new point of view. There's something about your parenting style that isn't working as well as you'd like. But if you change it up a little, the kids will soon be little angels -- almost. Try something new today.


When your little tykes are working on projects today, make sure you're sensitive to the various ideas. It's more important that they learn to think for themselves than to do things the fast way (your way). Be flexible.


You're ready to find a position that will give you more authority. This would be a good day to make some discreet inquiries among some colleagues. It could mark your first step of a future move up the ladder.

Are you compatible? Reveal your Compatibility Score now!


You can make order out of chaos today. As soon as you put one of baby's toys away, they find they like it better on the floor. You can avoid this by confining them to one area and one set of toys and activities at a time.


You and your little one will form a great partnership today. They toss their sippy cup, you get to pick it up. You make a scrumptious picnic lunch, they scarf up every bite. What a wonderful team you make!


You've got the fever -- the 'renovation fever'. You likely look at your surroundings and feel the need to redecorate or alter the structure in some way. This might be the day you get your other half to agree to make that happen.


You're always telling your little one not to talk to strangers. But today there's someone at day care or playgroup that you don't know but probably should. Chat with this person, and you could end up with a new friend.


You may be thinking about changing your approach or style today. It's good to change things up a bit -- like trying a new hairstyle or color. Just don't ask the tyke's opinion, as they're too honest and prefer blue hair anyway.


You gotta glow -- most likely with pride in your little one's many accomplishments. Let them sing or dance or recite the alphabet at day camp or for their friends in the neighborhood. You can both take a bow.


Go ahead and dream your dreams, no matter how unrealistic, today. Even though your little seems only able to eat and sleep and play and make a mess right now does not mean they are not capable of achieving great things in the future.

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!