Your Daily MomScope for June 23, 2022

It takes a village to raise a child. Sometimes we need a little extra guidance from the stars to manage motherhood. Momscope is here to help.


Get some exercise today. Perhaps start with some cardio as you pursue baby on that crawl marathon, then some squats as you pick up the toys. Since there are so many scattered about, that should add up to a lot of reps.


You can be proud of your achievements, of what you accomplish as a parent and as an employee. This would be a good day to savor that as you rest on your laurels. You may not get much rest otherwise, though, as the tyke will keep you hopping!


It's the kind of day when you can meet people of like mind almost anywhere you go. Strike up a conversation with another mom at the gas pump or playgroup and you just might make a new friend. Invite her over for green tea and a good chat.


You may wish you weren't such a good friend today. You might be chained to the oven, cranking out brownies you promised her for the bake sale or doing some other favor. Just be glad you have friends who will return the favor.


Lights, camera, charisma! Your warmth will win people over to your side today. Go ahead and launch a new project, or get others to sign up for a current one. You can wow them with a dazzling presentation.

Make sure you're on the right path! Your Personalized Career Horoscope is waiting with answers for you.


You want to be organized today and mostly you succeed. This might be the day you get the tyke to grasp the concept of all toys in the toy box. Be patient if they don't arrange things up to your standards; they're very high!


Your kiddo may turn to you for answers to questions that are quite complicated or difficult. Tell them as much as you know for now. In a pinch, you can always do some research online or at the library -- or phone a friend!


Your confidence has grown since you mastered all those new tasks at work, and you're eager to take on even more challenges. Your diligence will soon be rewarded, but it's not a good day to demand a raise or promotion.


You're dreaming of a big getaway today. Enlist the kiddo's help in getting your other half to share your vision of a dream trip. Sometimes two heads really are better than one, even if one is very little.


Someone who feels they are more deserving than you may try to block you from the next mommy community event. You can find your way around this person, and all that really matters is that there are many who know your true worth.


This a wonderful day to create new things with others. Perhaps that decorating project at school or day care will go more swiftly if other moms are on board. Many hands make light -- and beautiful -- work today.


Things go most smoothly today when you mind your own business. Avoid becoming involved in any gossip in your social circle, even though you mean well. You have a lot of work at home anyway, which you'll easily clear once you get going.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!