Your Daily TeenScope for October 17, 2021

Let’s face it—most “teen” horoscopes are written by folks whose ages haven’t ended with “-teen” since 2002 and are subsequently pretty cringe. We can’t guarantee that our daily horo will never be cringe, but we can guarantee that it’ll at least be useful.


Give your emotional side breathing room today. It's like taking your soul to a spa -- flush out doubts about your future, and massage your fears like you would the muscles in your back. Recharge for future adventures.


You're hungry for company, and your friends will be happy to oblige. Host an impromptu dinner party with recipes gleaned from hip magazines and ingredients from the corner store. Be frugal with money and generous with your time.


You'll get things done today, checking off more accomplishments than you could have been expected to finish. Relax and do some cartwheels. You deserve a break, and the sight will entertain others.


When you find yourself sitting still today, you'll notice that you're doodling on a piece of paper or chewing on your lip. If you can't find any nervous tics, your mind is occupying itself. Write down your thoughts.


Like 'Gone with the Wind,' you're a classic of the romantic variety. You're the type of loving, modest, giving person who can embrace a sunset and flirt over sweet iced tea. Use your persistent nature to find someone to charm.

Feeling lost with your career? Guidance is one click away!


Those friends of yours rock! Today they'll make you laugh until you cry, so express your gratitude and take every opportunity to hang out with them. You deserve it as much as they do. Seize every moment together.


Your tuned aesthetic sense will be useful to others today, so look out for targeted operations you can assist your loved ones in completing. Since your daily routine will be disrupted anyway, open up to being a catalyst.


Name what you want. It's a good day to move toward it -- and maybe even get it. Let yourself be pulled in by your desires instead of forcing your way along because the universe is working for you. Let it move you.


You've got a passion for the big picture today, and your conversational companion is obsessed with details. You may seem fundamentally unsuited for a useful chat but think twice. Each of you can fill in holes for the other.


Your life is full of outstanding issues that you haven't had time to deal with, but the pressure is coming to bear now. You need to untangle the web of perceived slights that have come between you and a close friend.


It's a good day to get your pets pretty and presentable. Bathe your fluffy animals and tie big green bows around the goldfish bowls. No one can fault your diligence -- well, no one except your pets.


Unsolved mysteries will capture your imagination. You'll fixate on the questions surrounding dinosaur extinction or the Egyptian pyramids. But are you taking refuge in the big wonders of the world to avoid personal drama?

Do your stars align? Find out your Compatibility Score and reveal the truth!