DAR sponsoring essay writing contest

Aug. 11—NORWALK — The Norwalk area Sally DeForest Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is seeking student participation in an essay writing contest. DAR desires participation from students who are home schooled or attend public, private or parochial schools.

There will be monetary awards and recognitions for Sally De Forest top three winners.

What: Essay Writing Contest sponsored by Daughters of the American Revolution Sally DeForest Chapter.

Who: Students in grades 5 through high school are eligible to participate.

Where: Essays may be completed at school as a part of a class assignment if a teacher so chooses. Essays may be completed at home as an individual student project.

Overview: There are two contests.

—The first contest is for students in grades 5 to 8.

The topic for 2022: The Second Continental Congress.

Prompt: The Second Continental Congress met from May 10, 1775 — March 1, 1781 and included delegates from all 13 colonies. This Congress was instrumental in shaping what was to become the United States of America. Imagine that you are a delegate during the 1775-1776 Second Continental Congress. Which colony are you from and what will be important for your colony?

—The high school essay contest topic is: Patriots of the American Revolution.

Prompt: Select a figure from the American Revolution (1773-1783) and highlight how they influenced the course of the American Revolution through their contributions to the founding of the United States of America. The Patriot figure you choose may be any person well known in history or an everyday man, woman, or child known only to a few that supported the American Revolution in ways large or small. Be creative with your writing to present this person and their impact on the revolution.

How: Complete your work by Oct. 14

—Grade 5: 12-font 300-600 word essay

—6 to 8: 12-font 600-to-1,000 word essay

—High School: 12-font 800-to-1,200 word essay

Send work to:

DAR American History Chairperson

P. O. Box 275

Berlin Heights, Ohio 44814

(Note: Submissions will not be returned. Be sure to save your work.)


—First place will be: $50, a ribbon and certificate of recognition for your education portfolio

—Second place will be: $40, a ribbon and certificate of recognition for your education portfolio

—Third place will be: $30, a ribbon and certificate of recognition for your education portfolio

First-place, grade-level winners and a guest will be invited to a DAR meeting to be determined at a later date. If winners are unable to attend monetary awards, ribbons, and certificates will be forwarded via postal mail. First-place essays will be forwarded on to DAR district competition.

For more information, please email: MarthaC.NDAR@gmail.com