Darien Woman Has Case Of West Nile Virus

DARIEN, IL — A Darien woman in her 40s is the first human victim of West Nile virus in Illinois this year, the DuPage County Health Department reported Thursday.

West Nile virus is transmitted to people by infected mosquitoes. About one in five people who are infected develop symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or rash, according to the health department. Less than 1 percent develop serious neurologic illnesses.

“We know people are spending more time outdoors to physically distance due to COVID-19, so please protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes and West Nile virus,” Karen Ayala, the health department's executive director, said in a news release.

Here are the department's tips to avoid mosquito bites:

  • Drain those items that collect standing water around your home, yard or business. Scrub and refill pet water dishes and bird baths regularly.

  • Use an insect repellent containing DEET when outdoors and reapply according to directions.

  • Wear long pants, long sleeves and closed-toe shoes when outside to cover the skin

  • Wear repellent outdoors during these prime times for mosquito activity.

More information is available on the state Department of Public Health's website.

This article originally appeared on the Darien Patch