Dark skies disappearing, but you can bring them back

Night skies are not always dark skies. Even though I spent my childhood camping and playing outdoors, the first time I saw a truly dark sky was on a backpacking trip to Big Bend National Park in my 20s.

As the campfire slowly dimmed to gleaming embers, I remember looking upwards in wonder with my head swiveling like a searchlight, my eyes darting from horizon to horizon. Somewhere between delight and shock, I grappled with disbelief that it was only starlight casting long shadows of lonely canyons on the desert floor.

The swirling backdrop of inky indigo made the milky way bafflingly vibrant. That diamond streak seemed to pulse with a mysterious depth only held at bay by a fragile dome of atmosphere. I reached upwards as if to touch each constellation. If only I could reach higher! If only my fingertips could dip into the glowing space that lay beyond the stars!

The friend I was camping with had lived in the heart of New York City for decades. I’ll never forget how she quietly whispered, “How have I never seen this before?”

Each year finding dark skies, or really bright skies if you count starlight, becomes a little harder. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), a U.S. based nonprofit founded by astronomers, reports artificial light increases 2% each year across the globe. Much of that gain is in areas that were previously unlit. Excessive artificial light, usually from too many and misdirected outdoor lights, is called light pollution.

Most noticeably, light washes out the night sky. It makes recreational stargazing and professional astronomy difficult and sometimes impossible without access to expensive equipment.

In both remote parks and more urban areas, reducing light pollution keeps wildlife safe. Artificial light can confuse nocturnal animals. Birds who migrate at night may incorrectly time their journey and veer off track. It can attract wildlife like moths and frogs, creating concentrations of some species which leaves them vulnerable to predators. Artificial light mistaken for the sun can even alter reproductive cycles.

Fortunately, light pollution is reversible with some simple modifications to existing light systems. First, consider if lighting is even needed in the area. If it is, must it always be lit? If it does, does it need to be at full brightness? A motion sensor and dimmer can keep lights off or dim until they need to be activated.

Secondly, is the light only directed where it is needed? Using light fixtures that are shielded on all sides ensures light is only pointing downward. Even that makes a big difference. IDA estimates that 30% of outdoor lighting is wasted by shining too much light where it is not needed. That is a lot of lost energy consumption too!

Conservation is not limited to land and sea, there is protection for night skies too. IDA grants certification to regions which have low to no light pollution. As of January 2022, there are 195 Dark Sky Parks, Reserves, Communities, and Sanctuaries across the world. There are currently no Dark Sky places in Indiana. The IDA has an interactive map for visitors to find a dark sky sanctuary near them.

Through time, humans have had a complex relationship with the night sky. Is it something that protects predators lurking around the corner? Or, is it a guide to help us cross the ocean and find a new land to call home? Is it the dark part of our dreams which makes us feel alone? Or, is it part of the ancestral loom which weaves a tapestry of our search for purpose and place in the cosmos?

Whatever it is, it’s disappearing. Small changes on a large scale can bring it back. With everyone finding ways to turn off the lights, the mystery, beauty and wonder of the dark will return.

Kelley V. Phillips is the Communications & Outreach Manager for Red-tail Land Conservancy. She strives to cultivate wonder in nature and action to protect it.

This article originally appeared on Muncie Star Press: Dark skies disappearing, but you can bring them back