Daughters Day reminds me how National Charity League promotes mother-daughter bonds

Cara Van Dijk and her daughter, Gracie.
Cara Van Dijk and her daughter, Gracie.

Although I was blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby girl 18 years ago, we have never celebrated National Daughters Day. However, this September, when I received a reminder about National Daughters Day from the National Charity League, I marked Sept. 25 on my calendar. Now that my daughter has moved to college, I’m on the lookout for reasons to connect with her. Yes! I have a college freshman. It’s something that I never thought about “having,” like a woman thinks about “having a baby!” It just happens. One day, I was cradling a newborn with soft skin, chubby cheeks and the biggest blue eyes… and within what felt like a blink, I was helping her find the best shower caddy and wondering if I should have included cough medicine in the first aid kit I packed.

The psychology of mother-daughter relationships has always intrigued me. After all, women are the primary caretakers and educators of the world, so it is vital that societies honor and nurture this intergenerational connection that influences cultures, rituals and rites of passage. When my daughter was born, one of the main things I worried about was cultivating and protecting this sacred bond.

It's no surprise that when I first learned about the National Charity League, when my daughter was only a baby, I was immediately excited about its mission:  fostering the mother-daughter relationship through an ongoing commitment to philanthropy, culture and leadership. Originally formed in Los Angeles in 1947, NCL has 295 chapters throughout the country with three chapters in our area — Palm Springs, Desert Cities and Coachella Valley.

During Gracie’s seventh-grade year, we committed to the full six-year experience, which would take us through her senior year with a culminating ceremony to recognize her community contributions and personal growth. Everyone told me the next six years would go quickly, and I didn’t doubt it. It was important to me to stay connected with my adolescent daughter, and I figured joining a group that required my daughter and me to spend quality time together doing philanthropy projects was a triple win! And, I was right.

Although, I will admit that sometimes an early Saturday morning volunteer commitment took some coaxing her out of bed… and, yes, maybe even a little “bribing” of a special drive-through treat on the way! But once we were actively helping, those moments were magical. Of course, these days, our phones (cameras) are usually at-the-ready to capture our children at their best. And, yes, I have many great shots. But some of my favorite images are what I call “pictures in my mind.” Sometimes, rather than reaching for my camera, I stay in the moment and imagine framing the image… click! Then, I conscientiously imagine imprinting it deep into my memory.

Moments I’ve captured this way include Gracie’s authentic, caring eyes as she helped an elderly woman play Bingo at a rehabilitation care facility; an exchange of smiles after Gracie painted a candy cane on a young autistic girl’s face at an event for Coachella Valley Autism Society of America; and Gracie’s full face of laughter while she played games with women at an Angel View residence for intellectually disabled adults.

These moments of my daughter developing compassion, kindness and goodwill are memories I will cherish forever. Then, there were the rides home from these outings, which often prompted conversations that I’m not sure would have happened otherwise. We talked about poverty, disabilities, ableism, service, gratitude and so much more. With her away, I miss those moments and those conversations, but I am grateful that we shared them, and I trust that she also appreciates all that came from these NCL experiences.

Happy Daughters Day to my sweet daughter and to all daughters out there! Whether you have a daughter or simply know a daughter, today is a time to recognize all generations of women and what the mother-daughter connection brings to the evolution of our families, our neighborhoods and our world.

Cara Van Dijk is a freelance writer and communications consultant. She and her daughter are sustainer members of NCL, Palm Springs Chapter. More information about NCL is available at www.nationalcharityleague.org.

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: How my daughter and I bonded through charity work — and you can too