A day in the life of a Pine Island volunteer: ‘We just need to get off our butts and help them’

The sun is barely over the horizon as volunteers began their day.

Tyler Wooldridge of Lakeland already has a good idea of who is coming in for the day and how many teams he needs to put together.

He checks equipment and supplies that will be needed for the day and begins pulling people together to send to Pine Island, a place hard hit by Hurricane Ian.

The island was separated from the mainland by a bridge that was damaged by the storm, isolating residents who opted to ride it out at home. Although Wooldridge’s day was just starting, he had been at the volunteer center with Rapid Response Crisis Control Global for several days.

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R2C2 volunteer Tyler Wooldridge leads a briefing at Matlacha near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Hurricane Ian hit the Southwest Florida coast on Wednesday, Sept. 28.
R2C2 volunteer Tyler Wooldridge leads a briefing at Matlacha near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. Hurricane Ian hit the Southwest Florida coast on Wednesday, Sept. 28.

Emily Zercher, who is not connected with R2C2, started a Facebook campaign seeking volunteers, who eventually connected with R2C2 to work together.

“This all started with me posting on Facebook for people to check in on friends’ parents/grandparents and seeing an outcry of people that were ‘waist deep in storm surge’ that were fearing for their lives and me asking for any ‘redneck vigilantes’ in the area to check on these people,” she said.

It grew from there. Zercher, who is from Florida but currently lives in Austin, Texas, made contact with Gary Langer of SG Outdoors, which is partnering with R2C2 for the relief effort. SG Outdoors handles acquisition of supplies while R2C2 manages volunteer operations. Between the three groups, it became a well-organized effort.

Zercher’s call for volunteers grew rapidly, and although her group doesn’t have a name, she is proud of the local response.

“Six days later, three people turned into 200-plus volunteers who brought boats, chainsaws and anything else needed to get through rubble to get to the hurricane victims,” she said.

Volunteers bring diverse skills

As one of those volunteers, Wooldridge drove from his home near Lakeland to the Matlacha community to help in the relief effort after Hurricane Ian struck Florida’s west coast near Fort Myers.

“I left at 3 a.m. Sunday and haven’t been home since,” he said.

Wooldridge has been sleeping in his truck since his arrival, coordinating volunteers and sending them where help is needed most.

He wants to make sure there are Spanish-speaking volunteers who can help on the island’s south side, where a large Hispanic population lives.

“We don’t have as many people today,” Wooldridge said Wednesday morning. “We had 22 boots on the ground yesterday. Today we have 11.”

Of those 11, three spoke Spanish, including Leonardo Felipe of Fort Myers and Jay Pereira, who lives in Lee County.

R2C2 volunteer Leonardo Felipe, right, hands supplies, food and water to residents in need at The Palms on Pine Island near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022.
R2C2 volunteer Leonardo Felipe, right, hands supplies, food and water to residents in need at The Palms on Pine Island near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022.

Felipe is a student at Florida Gulf Coast University but is taking a semester off. His work also was affected by Hurricane Ian, so he decided to join the volunteer effort.

“I wanted to volunteer because many people were left without a home and unfortunately their loved ones,” Felipe said. “There were areas in particular that were not searched. It inspired me to join and help my teammates locate these individuals.”

Felipe said he is grateful for the opportunity to help, and is grateful to R2C2 and Zercher’s efforts that are making it possible for people like him to volunteer.

“What keeps me ignited to continue is to ‘love thy neighbor,’” he said.

Pereira is a Marine Corps veteran and native of Costa Rica.

“I’m helping out because a lot of people are in need of help,” he said. “It’s about the humanitarian effort – trying to help a fellow brother out.”

Felipe and Pereira joined Kinsey Morgan and her friend Stephen Kantarze, both of Cape Coral, to complete their team.

“This is my fifth day in a row,” Kantarze said. “When people are in need, we just need to get off our butts and help them.”

Like Kantarze, Morgan said she didn’t have significant damage at her home, but she was without power and could not operate her dog-grooming mobile unit, which requires electricity.

The Texas native and former vet tech earlier in the week had helped with animal rescues and took care of some injured chickens, dogs and other animals.

“Until my power is restored, I’m going to volunteer all my time out here and help all these people because they are in way more need than I am,” Morgan said.

Delivering supplies, taking care of people

R2C2 volunteers Tony Bahnsen, left, and Kay Balok head by boat to Pine Island near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday, October 5, 2022.
R2C2 volunteers Tony Bahnsen, left, and Kay Balok head by boat to Pine Island near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday, October 5, 2022.

The team headed out to Tony Bahnsen’s vessel docked at Matlacha to get to work on Pine Island as quickly as possible.

“Remember, you must stay together at all times,” Wooldridge warned the group.

The group communicated through two-way radios and WhatsApp, a mobile app that helps people communicate even when there is no cellphone service.

Bahnsen ferried the group across the water to the Yucatan Waterfront Bar and Grill, a restaurant hit hard by Ian’s fierce 150 mph winds.

He returned to Matlacha to pick up another group of people needing to get to the island. It is something he’s done countless times since the storm hit Sept. 28, wiping out the bridge that connected Pine Island to Matlacha, which connects them to the mainland.

Once on Pine Island, Kantarze headed out with Pereira to borrow a truck from a friend who lives on the island. The truck was loaded with cases of bottled water, food, batteries, clothing and other necessities to drop off at various locations where residents could pick up what they needed.

One of the first stops was at St. James City, where volunteers helped residents find the items they were looking for.

“Hand me the avocados,” Kantarze said. “They’re for someone special.”

David Harold has been working every day at the volunteer drop site without taking time for his own personal needs. The day before, he told Kantarze he would love to have an avocado. Kantarze brought him five.

“That’s all I wanted,” Harold said as he cut into one and ate a bite from his knife. “I live off these things.”

The R2C2 volunteers drove around to several locations pointed out to them by volunteers on the mainland, who told them of people needing one thing or another. They also asked neighbors if they were all right or had any needs.

Last load delivered, more work to be done

R2C2 volunteer Kinsey Morgan, left, organizes water as it is loaded onto a truck after being airlifted to Pine Island near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday October 5, 2022. Hurricane Ian hit the southwest Florida coast on Wednesday September 28th.
R2C2 volunteer Kinsey Morgan, left, organizes water as it is loaded onto a truck after being airlifted to Pine Island near Fort Myers, Fla., on Wednesday October 5, 2022. Hurricane Ian hit the southwest Florida coast on Wednesday September 28th.

After making four or five trips between the Yucatan restaurant and the drop sites, the group made its way to a small airfield to pick up a truckload of supplies that had been brought to the island by plane.

One of the last stops before calling it a day was to a home in an isolated area where Rose lives with her autistic 18-year-old son, Justin.

Morgan had hoped to pick up a generator for Rose and Justin, but the one earmarked for them had been snagged by another group. More generators are on the way, so she was hoping to get one to them the next day.

“She will be so happy,” Morgan said.

The family, however, wasn’t home when the volunteer group arrived. Disappointed, Morgan left dog food on the porch.

Earlier in the day, Morgan toted around a crate of fresh carrots for one man, who can only eat vegetables. She wanted to make sure he got the food he needed.

Curfew on Pine Island is 6 p.m., so it was time to stop for the day and head back to the mainland.

“I wish we had time for one more load,” Kantarze said.

But Kantarze and the other volunteers would be back at it early the next morning, getting to that one load and many others in the days and weeks to come.

“I am grateful for so many medics, ex-military, veterans and other skilled humans to come forth to do whatever they can to ensure people on those islands were rescued as time is of the essence in these emergency scenarios,” Zercher said.

Do you have a story to share? Contact Lici Beveridge at lbeveridge@gannett.com. Follow her on Twitter @licibev or Facebook at facebook.com/licibeveridge.

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Pine Island: Volunteers reach out to residents after Hurricane Ian