Daystar Church launches Choose Life Fund

Aug. 10—In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade, Daystar Church has launched a Choose Life Fund initiative.

"This fund is for families who want to adopt or be foster parents, moms who want to choose life but don't think they can do it alone, or for single moms who did choose life and just need some help. Basically, if you're choosing life we want to stand with you," Daystar Global Pastor Jerry Lawson said.

While financial assistance is available for those needing a helping hand — or for covering pregnancy related medical bills — support does not end there. As an adoptive parent himself, Lawson said that counseling for foster and adoptive parents are available at no charge through the church or through a third party counsellor that church officials are able to help connect with those in need.

While the initiative is new, the type of assistance has long been available through Daystar Church. Lawson said that this year alone the church has held 46 outreach events in which 1225 volunteers have served for more than 5,000 hours. These efforts have reached more than 10,000 people according to the church's estimates.

Lawson said that the creation of the fund is more of a way to draw the attention of those who may need assistance, and is essentially a continuation of services that have always been available.

"There's not much that is new. This is just a creative way for us to raise more funds for those that are in crisis," Lawson said.

Lawson is also hoping to do away with the thought process that assistance is only available to those that identify with a similar belief system.

"Our goal is to connect with people outside of the Christian circle because that's what Jesus would do. He wouldn't care what choices they've made," Lawson said, "We just want people to know that God cares and that the people of God care."

Daystar Church has campuses in Cullman, Hartselle and Madison.

For more information, contact Daystar Church at or visit to donate to The Choose Life Fund.
