DCU installs Kindness Rocks Garden at DCU Center ahead of city’s Tercentennial celebration

Autumn Birkbeck, 5, of Paxton shows a rock that says "smile" to Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) marketing communications intern Cayla Wade as the financial and realty company installs its Kindness Rocks Garden outside the DCU Center Friday ahead of city’s Tercentennial Celebration. Autumn is the daughter of Robert Birkbeck, left corner, who's a member of the DCU marketing department.

WORCESTER — Autumn Birkbeck, 5, of Paxton excitedly placed a painted rock that read "smile" at the rock garden Friday afternoon in front of the DCU Center on Foster Street as part of the Kindness Rocks Project.

Autumn was there with her father, Robert Birkbeck, an employee of Marlborough-based Digital Federal Credit Union's (DCU) marketing department that helped manage the project and encourage people to showcase their creativity by painting inspirational messages on rocks.

Inspiring words on the rocks including "yes you can," "you are loved," "you are stronger than you think," "be brave" and more, were place in the garden to celebrate the Tercentennial Celebration of Worcester.

"It's just one of those things, just that small moment to turn your day around; like you're having a bad day at work, you see that 'I am awesome,' 'I can handle this,' 'I can get through this,'" Ed Niser, DCU’s corporate communications and relationship manager, said. "By doing this, we hope that they can just have a little smile and a little fun, levity in the day, and to give people that sense of hope and a little more positivity in their life."

The Kindness Rocks Garden outside the DCU Center ahead of Worcester’s Tercentennial Celebration.
The Kindness Rocks Garden outside the DCU Center ahead of Worcester’s Tercentennial Celebration.

John LaHair, a Worcester resident and DCU's marketing director, also said that the garden is a "feel-good" project in addition to running events and concerts in the arena.

For the project, 1,800 rock kits were purchased for DCU team members and another 1,800 rock kits were donated to community organizations for them to paint.

Starting fall last year, DCU has hosted hands-on workshops for children at area community organizations, such as the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester, and Girls Inc. of Worcester.

The rocks will be on display through Labor Day at the DCU Center’s main arena entrance on Foster Street.

"Mental health is a big thing these days. I don't claim to be an expert, but it's just one of those things (that) just a couple of kind words (that) can just change your whole perspective on life," Niser said.

The DCU team is distributing rocks to different community organizations to involve more organizations into the project.

"It's just an ongoing effort. This is just the start and we just thought this weekend, what better way with a lot of people in the city to celebrate this great city's history than get it rolled out today," Niser said.

People who pass by the rock garden can leave a painted rock of their own or pick up a rock that has words that touch their heart.

DCU also created a webpage to help encourage others to participate in spreading kindness on their own, no matter where they call home.

This article originally appeared on Telegram & Gazette: DCU installs Kindness Rocks Garden at DCU Center for Worcester's 300th