How Do You Deal With Loneliness? Share Your Story About What Worked For You.


Loneliness isn’t a new phenomenon, but it is on the rise.

Recent estimates suggest that more than half of adults in the US feel lonely, and more people than ever before are living alone. (Although you can still feel lonely even if you're in a partnership or living with others.)

The pandemic has also drastically altered relationships of all kinds. In addition to COVID-related grief, anxiety, and depression, many people are dealing with the mental exhaustion that can come from prolonged social isolation.

But loneliness isn’t a forever feeling, and there are things you can do to connect with others. That’s why we want to hear from you.

Tell us about a time when you realized you were lonely. What did you do to overcome it (even if you’re still working on it)? How did you meet new people or make friends? Did you learn to appreciate your solitude?

What do you think people just don’t get about being lonely?

Share your feelings and stories with us by filling out this form. We may contact you to include your experience in an upcoming BuzzFeed News article.


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Illustration of an unhappy young person sitting cross-legged, with white background
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