Dear Santa, from the kiddos at Edison Elementary

Dec. 19—The students and teachers of Edison Elementary School in Gainesville were good enough to share their Letters to Santa with the Register this year. We don't have room for them all, sadly, but here is a nice, full sample of what's on younguns' minds this year.

Dear Santa,

My name is Asher. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Goo hit zoo

2. Baby bear

3. Hot wheels

I'll set out cookies!

From, Asher

Querido Santa:

Santa, yo quiero un xBox. Y quiero un perro. Y quiero un dron. Y quiero un libros.



Dear Santa,

My name is Logan. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Ver headset

2. Iwutevrepelin my cds

3. Rom to be gud oputr

I'll set out cookies!

From, Logan

Dear Santa,

My name is Joseph. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. A game

2. A toy car

3. And som sticrs

I'll set out cookies!

From, Joseph

Dear Santa,

My name is Alonzo. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Phone

2. Wash

3. Ps five

I'll set out cookies!

From, Alonzo

Querido Santa. Yo quiero un perro de verdad. Porque lo quid a todo el roto.



Dear Santa,

My name is Adelynn. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

I like to have dear I wut uh I wednt I masis Addy a lib dear Ive in I wet ti a eneuf

I'll set out cookies!

From, Addy

Dear Santa,

My name is Landon. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Pokemon

2. iPhone

3. PS 5

I'll set out cookies!

From, Landon

Dear Santa,

My name is Noah. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. 4 wheeller

2. Nerf gun

3. Power ranger toys

I'll set out cookies!

From, Noah

Dear Santa,

My name is Sofia. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Fon

2. Teve

3. Mug for mom

I'll set out cookies!

From, Sofia

Dear Santa,

My name is Braley. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Trtl

2. Gneei pig

3. Rabit

I'll set out cookies!

From, Braley

Dear Santa,

My name is Brianna. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Natendo Swish

2. Tablet

3. Rendeer

I'll set out cookies!

From, Brianna

Querido Papá Noel:

En este Navidad quiero un Péluche de Prisesa para jugar con mi hermana.


Dear Santa,

How are the elves? I have bee very good this year I would like shopping, lol doll, and Christmas shop. I will leave milke and kooke for you.



Dear Santa,

How are the elves? I have been very good this year I would like pool, remot Barbie car, and pop it. I hop you hav a good Christmas.



Dear Santa,

How are the reindeer at the North Pole. I have been very good this year. I want Legos and dinosaurs. I leave cookies and milk for you.



Dear Santa,

My name is Xavier B. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Nintendo Switch

2. vR hed set

3. aiR pods

I'll set out cookies!

From, Xavier B.

Querido Santa:

Este regalo telo Pido que solo Sean 2 dos regalos y quiero un petcichon pero que tenga unos juegos de Mario y uno peloton y un Bate y un ante y Santa a tadpoles deseo feliz navidad.



Dear Santa,

My name is Anna. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Makeup

2. Rainbow High Doll

3. Slime

I'll set out cookies!

From, Anna

Dear Santa,

My name is JJ. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Nintendo

2. Peas fiv

3. VR head set

I'll set out cookies!

From, JJ

Dear Santa,

My name is Lukas. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Bike

2. Nintendo Switch

I'll set out cookies!

From, Lukas

Dear Santa,

My name is Cason. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Lanky box toys

2. Hamter

3. Skibidi tolet toys

I'll set out cookies!

From, Cason

Dear Santa,

My name is LJ. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Nintendo Switch

2. Slime

3. Elf pet

I'll set out cookies!

From, LJ

Dear Santa,

My name is Larry. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Bike

2. Nintendo Switch

3. Jet

I'll set out cookies!

From, Larry

Dear Santa,

My name is Kimberly. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Makeup

2. Slime

3. Rainbow High Doll

I'll set out cookies!

From, Kimberly

Dear Santa,

My name is Maryam. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. LoL Doll

2. Slime

3. GMO Doll

I'll set out cookies!

From, Maryam

Dear Santa,

My name is Annabella. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Rainbow High Doll

2. Slime

3. Squishmellow

I'll set out cookies!

From, Annabella

Dear Santa,

My name is Sophia. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. Bike

2. Makeup

3. Toy puppy

I'll set out cookies!

From, Sophia

Dear Santa,

My name is Joe. I have been very good this year. I hope you bring me

1. VR headset

2. PS 5

3. Home

I'll set out cookies!

From, Joe