Death toll rises to 12, rescue operation complete

Rescue operation at the site of the Russian missile strike in Kramatorsk has been completed
Rescue operation at the site of the Russian missile strike in Kramatorsk has been completed

The body of another person has been recovered from the rubble of a café in Kramatorsk in frontline Donetsk Oblast that was destroyed in a Russian missile attack on June 27, bringing the death toll to 12, the State Emergency Service reported on June 29.

The search and rescue operation has been completed, the service said. A total of 11 people were rescued from the rubble.

There are three children among the dead – a 17-year-old girl, and 14-year-old twin girls.

As a result of the attack, 60 people were injured, including an 8-month-old infant, who received head injuries. Three Columbian citizens were also among the injured. Ukrainian novelist and activist Victoria Amelina, who was with the Columbians at the time of the Russian attack, was reported to have been seriously injured.

Russian invasion forces launched two attacks with the Iskander missile system on Kramatorsk in Donetsk Oblast on the evening of June 27.

One of the missiles hit a café in the city center that was at nearly total capacity.

Read also: Russia ups production of Kinzhal, Iskander missiles despite Western sanctions, Ukraine’s air force says

The Iskander-M short-range ballistic missile can carry conventional warheads of up to 700 kilograms of high explosive. It has an accuracy of 5-7 meters Circular Error Probable, which means over 90% of missiles hit between 10 and 14 meters of their programmed target.

Ukraine’s SBU security service said on June 28 that it had detained an agent of Russian military intelligence in Kramatorsk, who had reconnoitered the trade center and restaurant targeted by the Russians, and sent the enemy information about it.

Prosecutors in Donetsk Oblast have opened a war crimes case on the incident.

The Russian atrocity in Kramatorsk came on the one-year-anniversary of another mass-civilian-casualty incident – on June 27, 2022 a Russian Kh-22 anti-ship missile slammed into a shopping mall in Kremenchuk, in the south of Poltava Oblast.

Read also: Survivors of Amstor shopping mall attack in Kremenchuk share their stories

Twenty-one people were killed and 59 injured when a Russian missile hit the city’s Amstor shopping mall, which was destroyed in the subsequent blaze.

Speaking in his evening address to the nation on June 28, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that “Everyone who helps Russian terrorists destroy lives deserves the maximum punishment.”

He said that such people were “without humanity,” and could face sentences of up to life in prison.

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