Defeating democracy: Developers can win land-use cases by holding onto the ball | Opinion

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Developers can be a lot like Spanish soccer players.

I know that seems like a random statement, but bear with me and I'll explain what I mean — and why I think the comparison has bearing on the controversial Atlantic Fields project proposed for western Martin County.

For years, the Spanish national soccer team has ranked among the best in the world. The team plays a style of soccer that is both maddeningly effective and a great example of why critics think the sport is boring.

The Spaniards focus on keeping the ball in their possession through a series of short, precise passes. At times, the Spanish players seem disinterested in advancing the ball toward the goal, so long as they keep it away from their opponents.

Almost invariably over the course of a 90-minute game, opponents will lose focus for just a few seconds here or there — which is when the Spanish players actually try to kick the ball into the net.

It's not terribly exciting, at least to the uninitiated, but it works.

This style of play is known as "Tiki-Taka," although I prefer to call it "Lunesta," after the popular sleep aid.

The same strategy can work in land-use cases, too. Developers — along with their attorneys, consultants, and other hired hands — have vested interests in seeing projects through to completion, no matter how long that takes.

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Citizens who oppose development projects don't have the same financial incentive. They have to do research about the projects on their own time. Often, they have to take time off from work, school, or other personal business to provide input at government meetings where the plans are discussed.

The more meetings there are, the harder that is to do. So really, time is almost always on the side of the developers. When projects are repeatedly delayed, the developers are essentially holding onto the ball, passing it back and forth until opponents let their guard down long enough to slip in a goal.

I hope that's not going to happen with the Atlantic Fields project, a luxury golf course community proposed for 1,500 acres about a mile east of where Interstate 95 and Bridge Road intersect.

The property is outside the county's urban service area, which is where more intensive forms of development are supposed to be located, according to the county's comprehensive plan.

On April 19, following a public hearing in which a large majority of the speakers expressed opposition, the Martin County Commission indefinitely delayed a final decision on the land-use change needed to allow the development to move forward.

Opponents had also turned out in force at previous hearings before the County Commission and the Local Planning Agency, as well as other rallies and workshops organized to discuss the project.

(Meanwhile, a group of influential athletes and business people, including football greats Tom Brady and Michael Strahan, have lobbied commissioners behind the scenes in support of the project.)

Martin County residents who oppose proposed changes to the county comprehensive plan showed up to speak out against it in place of environmentalist Maggy Hurchalla, who planned to be there but died Feb. 19, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, at the Martin County Administrative Center in Stuart. Two of Hurchalla’s grandchildren, James and Kymberly, were in attendance, and Commissioner Sarah Heard offered a tribute to former Commissioner Hurchalla. “Maggy planned to be here today protesting with us. My heart is aching today, but as Sarah pointed out, Maggy was a great teacher,” said public commenter Jackie Trancynger who was against the plan amendment, which ended up passing 3-2.

It's hard to keep citizens' enthusiasm levels high for months on end, particularly when there's no "date certain" when an issue might finally be resolved once and for all.

The Atlantic Fields project is scheduled for another public hearing at the commission's June 21 meeting. I'm hopeful, but not certain, the end of this process could be in sight.

Why do I have doubts? Take a look at what's been happening a leisurely drive down I-95 from us in Dade County.

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Aligned Real Estate Holdings filed an application last year to build an industrial park and commercial development on about 800 acres located outside of that county's urban service area.

While Treasure Coast residents may view Dade County as completely lost to development, substantial numbers of people there are still trying to preserve remaining agricultural land, including the site of the proposed South Dade Logistics and Technology District.

Is any of this starting to sound vaguely familiar?

Martin County residents who oppose proposed changes to the county comprehensive plan showed up to speak out against it in place of environmentalist Maggy Hurchalla, who planned to be there but died Feb. 19, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, at the Martin County Administrative Center in Stuart. Two of Hurchalla’s grandchildren, James and Kymberly, were in attendance, and Commissioner Sarah Heard offered a tribute to former Commissioner Hurchalla. “Maggy planned to be here today protesting with us. My heart is aching today, but as Sarah pointed out, Maggy was a great teacher,” said public commenter Jackie Trancynger who was against the plan amendment, which ended up passing 3-2.

Following a lengthy public hearing May 19, the Miami-Dade County Commission delayed a final vote on the technology district for two weeks, supposedly to give the developers time to clarify information presented at the hearing.

However, when the commission convened for its June 1 meeting, the developers requested an indefinite delay. They said they wanted more time to flesh out ideas to make the project more beneficial to the community.

The request didn't go over too well with some commissioners, who felt a delay might blunt the impact of the testimony they had received during the May public hearing.

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Commissioner Danielle Cohen Higgins questioned what new information could be presented later that would change anyone's mind about the project.

"So what happens to all the input the community has given on this issue, in addition to the eight hours-plus that we spent at the last hearing?" Cohen Higgins asked at the June 1 meeting. "I think the time is right to make a decision today."

A majority of commissioners eventually agreed to postpone the item until Sept. 22, prior to the November election when some commission seats could change hands.

Unless yet another postponement is requested.

When informed by county staff the developers could theoretically seek an unlimited number of deferrals, Commission Eileen Higgins wryly quipped: "Oh, so this could be happening for the rest of our lives?"

TCPalm columnist Blake Fontenay
TCPalm columnist Blake Fontenay

In the case of Atlantic Fields, it's difficult to imagine what changes could be made to the project that would satisfy people who feel such a large development, with 317 homes and recreational amenities, is inappropriate outside the urban service area.

The developers could propose to limit the land-use change to affect only their property, as opposed to a change that could be applied to other tracts outside the urban service area.

Some critics would likely view such a compromise proposal about as favorably as Ukrainians might react to a suggestion to just let the Russians keep the land they've already seized in Donbas.

One way or another, citizens who have been following the progress of Atlantic Fields for many months deserve some sort of closure.

Playing keep-away may be a winning strategy on a soccer field, but it's not a good look for what's supposed to be a democratic process.

This column reflects the opinion of Blake Fontenay. Contact him via email at or at 772-232-5424.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Slowdown benefits developers in Martin County land-use case | Opinion