Defibrillator campaign brings 84 new AEDs to Door County, almost doubling its previous number

Door County now has almost twice as many chances to help save the lives of people experiencing a cardiac episode because of the Door County Fire Chiefs Association's Defibs4DoorCounty fundraising campaign.

The campaign, which started in February and ran through Labor Day, raised $79,898 and combined those funds with a $75,000 challenge grant from an anonymous donor for a total of nearly $155,000. That was enough to purchase 84 new automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) to distribute to government agencies and public places across the Peninsula.

“The committed and compassionate people of Door County stepped up and helped make a difference through their generous donations,” Chris Hecht, Door County Fire Chiefs Association president and Sister Bay-Liberty Grove Fire Chief, said in a news release. “We beat our fundraising goal and the campaign’s messages about AED’s life-saving benefits and ease of use, even by nonprofessionally trained bystanders, were well-received. The community responded with an outpouring of support and increased interest in AEDs.”

When the campaign started in February, Hecht estimated about 100 AEDs were in the county, but more were needed to better cover its nearly 2,400 square miles.

Automatic external defibrillators use electricity to shock the heart of a person experiencing sudden cardiac arrest back into rhythm. A study from the American Heart Association shows that after a person suffers cardiac arrest every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation decreases their chance of survival 7% to 10%.

The AHA also noted that more than 356,000 people in the U.S. experience cardiac arrest while not in a hospital each year, indicating the need for access to AEDs for first responders and the public.

The AEDs provided by the campaign, which cost an average of $1,800 per unit, were offered free of charge to qualifying government agencies and organizations that applied to get them and agreed to cover annual maintenance costs and other guidelines. Sixty-three of the units went to government agencies, including law enforcement, fire departments, EMS and Department of Natural Resources agents, while 21 are for community organizations with high-traffic locations where people work, play or gather in Door County, such as schools, churches, museums, marinas and performing arts venues. More than 120 AEDs were requested during the campaign.

The units are the Lifepak 1000, primarily used by first responders, and CR2 models. All are compatible with the Door County EMS system and can be registered on the PulsePoint AED app to assist bystanders and emergency responders in finding the closest available community AED.

Having more AEDs in public places is important in a place like Door County, a rural region where large groups of people gather at theaters, festivals, concerts, museums, galleries and community events − about 2 million people visit the county each year − and EMT and rescue services aren't necessarily close at hand. Plus, almost 40% of the county's population is age 60 or older.

The AED units in public venues can be used with little or no training, Hecht said, so members of the public can use one if trained personnel aren't on hand. When one opens the AED box, a recorded voice comes on that walks users through the instructions. It's not a substitute for calling 911, he said, but it's an important first step in saving the life of a cardiac arrest victim. (The Sister Bay-Liberty Grove department does offer training classes in AED use and CPR.)

The live-saving benefit was underscored in August when Defibs4DoorCounty campaign coordinator and local EMS volunteer Carol Forner responded to a 911 dispatch for a medical incident near her Gills Rock home. The patient, a 59-year-old woman, was riding in a vehicle along State 42 near Weborg Dock when she experienced symptoms and lost consciousness.

Forner, who keeps an AED in her personal vehicle like many of the county’s first responders, was at the scene within three minutes and administered defibrillation quickly. By the time an ambulance arrived, the patient had a strong pulse and good vital signs. The woman has since recovered from what could have been a fatal event, as hospital staff later confirmed she suffered ventricular fibrillation resulting in cardiac arrest.

“It wasn’t until the patient was in the ambulance on her way to the hospital that the weight of the experience hit me," Forner said in the news release. "I was hit with a wave of gratitude − gratitude for what was looking like a positive outcome for the patient, and for the tools that helped me. It was the first time I needed to use an AED on a patient."

Although the Defibs4DoorCounty campaign has ended, organizations interested in buying AEDs can contact local fire departments and take advantage of the county’s bulk-purchasing agreement. The fire chiefs association also encourages people to consider registering for a local CPR and AED training class, noticing if/where AEDs are in the places they often visit, and learning the signs of someone experiencing cardiac arrest.

Contact Christopher Clough at 920-741-7952, 920-562-8900 or

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This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Defibrillator campaign brings 84 new AEDs to Door County