Delaware River panel finalizes ban on fracking

Feb. 26—The Delaware River Basin Commission approved a final rule Thursday, prohibiting high volume hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" in the basin.

The DRBC has oversight of the river basin, which includes parts of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Much of Delaware County lies in the basin.

The ban will have no practical effect in New York, where the state has already banned fracking.

Fracking is also banned in the New York City watershed, which includes the basins for the upper east and west branches of the Delaware River in Delaware County, above the city's reservoir dams in Downsville and Deposit.

According to a media release, the commissioners also directed the executive director to propose amendments to update the commission's rules concerning importation of wastewater from outside the basin and exportation of basin waters.

The fracking ban was adopted with the four state commissioners voting in favor and the federal commissioner abstaining. The second action was adopted by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 2021-01 amends the commission's Comprehensive Plan and Water Code to prohibit fracking in the basin to "control future pollution, protect the public health and preserve the waters of the Basin for uses in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan," the release said.

By a separate resolution, the Commissioners directed DRBC Executive Director Steve Tambini to develop and formally propose amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and DRBC Water Code no later than September 30, to update regulations concerning inter-basin transfers of water and wastewater.

"As DRBC Chair, I welcome this opportunity to provide the fullest protection to the more than 13 million people who rely upon the Delaware River Basin's waters for their drinking water," Delaware Governor John Carney said in the release. "This collaborative multi-state (and federal) action through the DRBC also complements the goals of the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, a bill I introduced and which was passed by Congress in 2016, by helping to ensure that the watershed and water resources of the Basin will be protected from these potential sources of pollution."

"New York has been a leader in our efforts to protect the environment and public health with the banning of high-volume hydraulic fracturing in 2015," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. "This significant action by the DRBC to ban fracking in the Delaware River Basin is critical to enhance and preserve a vital water resource that millions of people access and depend on every day. This resolution builds on our collective efforts to ensure the safety of our water supply and protect the environment and individuals and families for generations to come."