Delaware Valley first graders predicted Punxsutawney Phil's forecast

Mrs. Curtis showing students how to cast their vote in a "Groundhog Day poll". Most of the students voted that Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow.
Mrs. Curtis showing students how to cast their vote in a "Groundhog Day poll". Most of the students voted that Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow.

First graders at Delaware Valley Elementary School learned about Groundhog Day earlier this month.

Mrs. Curtis's students first decorated and cut out their own groundhog, then voted on whether or not Punxsutawney Phil would see his shadow on Groundhog Day. Most of the class voted that Pa.'s most famous groundhog would see his shadow— and they were right!

After spending last year in quarantine due to the pandemic, Punxsutawney Phil was back at it again celebrating Groundhog Day in his hometown of Gobbler's Knob on Feb. 2.

Phil forecasted six more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow during the annual event, even though he emerged from his burrow to unseasonably warm 40-degree weather.

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This article originally appeared on Tri-County Independent: Delaware Valley first graders predicted Phil would see his shadow