A deluge of new, belated Baby Yoda merchandise is on the way

Baby Yoda merchandise was surprisingly nowhere to be found when The Mandalorian first launched last fall, but a few months later, there has been an awakening.

The absolute onslaught of Baby Yoda merchandise that seemed inevitable after the character became an internet phenomenon last year is about to begin, with a whole bunch of new toys and other tie-in products unveiled on Thursday. This includes a $60 cooing animatronic Baby Yoda toy, and, well, basically everything else you can think of, from beanies to backpacks to bluetooth speakers.

There's even a Baby Yoda version of Operation on the way from Hasbro, although despite the name of the game, you don't actually operate on him in it. Instead, the goal is to channel your inner Din Djarin to take objects away from Baby Yoda or, as the game puts it, "stop the mischief!"

When Baby Yoda — who, to reiterate, isn't actually a baby version of Yoda but rather another unnamed member of the same species — made his debut on the Disney+ Star Wars show last November, it seemed likely Disney would flood store shelves with toys and make a fortune throughout the holiday season. But that didn't really happen, although some products like T-shirts were available, and some toys went up for pre-order. The show's creator, Jon Favreau, has explained merchandise was held back to keep the surprise reveal of the character a secret until the show's debut.

Actually, though, some of this new merchandise isn't even coming out until the fall, meaning wait even longer to begrudgingly hand Disney far too much of your money, you will.

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