Democracy vs. Donald Trump are the choices voters have in the 2024 elections | Letters

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Our readers' letters are not necessarily the opinions of The Palm Beach Post Editorial Board.

In 2024, it's Trump vs. democracy

The core principle of democracy is free and fair elections. Donald Trump has repudiated democracy by trying to overturn 2020 election results. Numerous failed lawsuits, recounts, and investigations have proven that Trump lost. Yet, he claimed election fraud, selected phony electors, pressured former Vice President Mike Pence and other officials to act illegally, and sent a mob to the Capitol to stop the legal certification of Biden as president. This was an assault on democracy. He trampled on the underpinnings of our Constitution by his lies of a rigged election. You may think that Trump is the best choice for America in 2024 but you must also accept the fact that you are choosing Trump over democracy. You cannot claim to support both. And neither can he.

Ray McGogney, West Palm Beach

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Choose sides on Ukraine: ours or Putin's?

Since Russia’s illegal, wanton, unprovoked attack on Ukraine, President Biden and Congress have provided $44 billion in military aide to Ukraine as well as humanitarian aide. Our European allies have contributed about $80 billion to support Ukraine against the ruthless dictator and war criminal, Putin, who has ravaged and plundered a sovereign nation in the worst assault on democracy since World War II. We can't allow the new “Axis of Evil,” Russia and its allies, China, Iran, and North Korea, to prevail in this conflict. We have severely degraded Russia’s military and by this vital support from America and its democratic allies, we can deter any future assaults on other U.S. allies like Taiwan. Allowing Ukraine to be further brutalized and taken over by Russia will ultimately cost us infinitely more in future conflicts with Russia and its authoritarian allies.Robert Briskin, M.D., Jupiter

Columnist's drivel doesn't disappoint

Re the recent Cal Thomas column: I braced myself for more of his half truths and innuendos. As usual, he did not disappoint. It didn’t take long for him to make blanket statements with absolutely no facts to back them up. He repeats Rupert Murdoch’s lie that “elites have open contempt for those who are not members of the rarefied class,” and that the media “is in cahoots with those elites” without ever specifying, who these so-called “elites” are, much less who in the media is supposedly in cahoots with them. Without at least one example, it’s just another outrageous statement to get his readers riled up.

Finally, he goes on to say that Fox News would not exist if it were not for “the monopoly the left has enjoyed for years in deciding what is news and what isn’t and slanting the reporting to fit their mostly liberal political positions” without one shred of evidence to back up that politically inflammatory statement. I guess because, like Fox and Murdoch, he believes he can state whatever he wants and get away with it as long as it feeds into the fears and prejudices of his audience. I’m all for politically opposing views, just not from a columnist who continuously makes outrageous statements and never backs them up.

Rick Parks, West Palm Beach

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: It's either democracy or Donald Trump in the 2024 elections