Democrat Monika Johnson-Hostler, NC House District 33 candidate, answers our questions

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Name: Monika Johnson-Hostler

Political party: Democrat

Age as of March 5, 2024: 49

Campaign website:

Current occupation: Executive Director of NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Professional experience: Monika Johnson-Hostler is a lifelong advocate and policy leader. She is the executive director of the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA), Monika leads the survivor-focused charge for over 60 rape crisis centers and a host of first responders across the state. Elected in 2013, Monika represents District 2 on the Wake County Board of Education.

Education: BS, Psychology, Fayetteville State University; Master of Public Administration, NC Central University.

What offices have you run for or held before? Have you had any other notable government or civic involvement Wake County Board of Education, 2013 to present.

What is the issue that you see as most relevant to constituents in your district, and what will you do to address it?

Stable and affordable housing is essential for maintaining physical and mental health, including access to behavioral health services. Housing instability and homelessness can exacerbate mental health and substance use disorders, leading to higher health care costs and poorer health outcomes. Addressing the social determinants of health, including housing insecurity, can help improve overall health and well-being and reduce health care costs over the long term.

Is there an issue on which you disagree with your party? What is your position on that issue?

I am generally in agreement with the party. My priorities are public education, health care and economic justice, which are aligned with the party.

What legislation would you support to help North Carolinians who are struggling to make ends meet?

Increase minimum wage. Implementing policies to increase housing supply, such as streamlining regulations and zoning laws to encourage construction. Providing subsidies or financial assistance to low- and moderate-income households to help offset housing costs. Investing in affordable housing development and preservation initiatives, including supportive housing for individuals with behavioral health needs.

What is the government doing, if anything, that you see as a waste of taxpayer money?

Tax cuts for big businesses can have various impacts on the allocation of taxpayer dollars. This reduces the amount of revenue collected by the state government. This reduction in revenue can result in cuts to essential services and goods such as investments in education.

Should the new law exempting state lawmakers from the public records law be repealed?


Would you support a bill allowing for additional casinos and legalizing video gambling machines?

I am not inherently opposed to casinos and gambling. Moving forward, I would advocate for an open bid process and solicit feedback from the community as crucial steps in ensuring that the decision-making process is fair, transparent, and inclusive. By allowing local communities to voice their concerns and perspectives, policymakers can better understand the potential impacts to the community members. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the potential benefits of legalization of gambling, such as increased revenue for critical state needs like education.

How would you increase confidence in elections?

Increasing public confidence in elections requires a multifaceted approach that can help enhance trust in elections: Provide comprehensive voter education programs to inform citizens about their rights and responsibilities, the electoral process, voting procedures, campaign finance and the importance of participating in elections. Well-informed voters are more likely to trust the legitimacy of election outcomes.