Democratic hopefuls for Portsmouth Town Council talk issues at forum

This article was corrected at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 2 to remove inaccurate information regarding the salary of the director of the senior center. The previous version stated the director makes $84,000/year. That number represents the total civic support grant allocated by the town to the senior center for general operating expenses. The director makes an undisclosed salary which is less than $84,000.

PORTSMOUTH — The League of Women Voters invited all 12 candidates for Town Council to a forum held at the Common Fence Point Arts, Wellness and Community Center on Thursday evening.

The seven hopefuls who attended, all Democrats, drew numbers for their placement along a two-tiered dais facing a small but attentive crowd seated in folding chairs arranged in neat rows in the middle of the bright hall, currently decorated for Halloween, where local residents normally gather for community events and Zumba classes. The forum also was livestreamed for members of the public to watch from home.

The four Republican candidates and one independent on the ballot did not attend the forum, leading moderator Christine Keyser to stress to the audience in no uncertain terms the League of Women Voters of Newport County had made every effort to include candidates of all parties.

"We are a nonpartisan organization," Keyser told The Daily News after the forum. "Every single one of the candidates received the same email with a list of four dates and times and was told the majority preference would be the date we go with."

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Keith Hamilton, the only incumbent Republican candidate, told The Daily News in a text message sent from the Philadelphia airport, “I obviously was out of town. We were given one date and time. I did not have the opportunity to change my business trip … There was no coordinated plan (among Republican candidates) to not attend.”

He said the three other Republican candidates also had previously scheduled engagements or other valid reasons for not attending.

The seven Democratic candidates on the ballot fielded a series of questions prepared by the League of Women Voters and a few questions submitted by the public. The group was able to present a fairly unified front, encouraging voters to elect all seven Democrats on the ballot to the seven available seats.

They offered little to no disagreement in their individual answers as they spoke on topics, including trash collection in Portsmouth, short-term rentals, the Act on Climate legislation, the increasing cost of living in the town and the ever-present issue of affordable housing.

Meet the Democratic candidates for Portsmouth Town Council

Each candidate was given an opportunity to provide an opening statement and tell the audience a little more about themselves. Here's what they said:

Timothy Grissett

Grissett and his husband moved to Portsmouth in 2020, and he quickly became involved in civic life by joining the town’s Economic Development Committee. He is a foster parent, with two children in the public school district, and he said he is running because he grew up watching his grandparents serve the community he grew up in and thinks it's important to contribute to the community.

Charles Levesque

Levesque is a lifelong Portsmouth resident who practiced law at a family firm before serving at various points as a Town Council member, state representative, state senator and family court magistrate. He said he decided to run again because he's impressed with the quality of the current group of Democratic council members and wants to collaborate with them. Also because he has grown alarmed with the status of democracy in the United States.

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Juan Carlos Payero

Payero described himself first and foremost as a dad and husband, and explained he has served the town for the past four years on the School Committee, the most recent two as vice chairman. He said he hopes to be able to bring the knowledge he gained from that experience to the Town Council.

Leonard Katzman (incumbent)

Katzman grew up in Portsmouth, raised his own children here and said he looks forward to retiring in his hometown. Katzman, the current chairman of the Portsmouth Democratic Town Committee, said "the job is to find good candidates to run for office, and I couldn’t be more proud of the people we have here tonight.”

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Daniela Abbott (incumbent)

Abbott has been on the council for two previous terms. The Sao Paulo, Brazil, native lived in Bristol and New York City before returning to Rhode Island when she was pregnant with her first child. She chose to raise her family in Portsmouth. She volunteered with the girls scouts and the PTO before deciding in 2018 to engage with the community at a higher level. She referenced her skill set as a project manager and licensed professional engineer as a key attribute she brings to the job of municipal governance.

Kevin Aguiar (incumbent – Town Council president)

Aguiar said he is running for reelection because he cares about Portsmouth and wants to make a positive difference in the community he has lived in since age 6. His parents live in town and he has three children, all of whom have gone the through school system. He said his goal on the council is to keep Portsmouth affordable for all residents by managing well-balanced budgets that provide quality services without undue cost.

Dr. Mark Ryan (incumbent)

Dr. Ryan jokingly referred to himself as a “carpetbagger,” because he moved to Middletown when he was in sixth grade and moved to Portsmouth in 1991. But he raised his family in Portsmouth, taught CCD classes and put his children through the Portsmouth the public school system. He noted he and his wife were “very pleased with the experience we had” with the local public schools. When his children grew up and moved out, Ryan, a primary care physician, became interested in healthcare reform and eventually the town’s civic life by running for Town Council.

Candidates answer questions on short-term rentals, cost of living and more

The town charter allows the council to fill vacant seats without any required procedure. Should rules be put in place to fill vacant seats? If so, what rules should be added. If not, why not?

Dr. Ryan responded to this question first, indicating he believes some procedure should be put in place, but pointing out this would require a change to the town charter and thus a vote by the public. Abbott also said she supports “working to establish a more consistent process for appointments.”

Most of the candidates expressed their opinion the current process of entrusting the Town Council to vet interested parties and appoint them to fill positions works well. Katzman, who was on the Charter Review Committee, advised against trying to apply a “one-size-fits-all rule” to filling appointments. Grissett and Aguiar indicated the public should trust the council they elect to make appointments in the best interest of the town.

Since the pandemic, there has been an uptick in the growing number of short-term rentals and Airbnbs in Portsmouth. What are your thoughts on regulating (or not regulating) the growing number of Airbnb investment homes in Portsmouth? Is this changing the fabric of our town for better or worse?

Aguiar opened by saying the council has addressed this issue to an extent by implementing a mandatory registration and inspection procedure for short-term rental properties. He indicated the specific problem with short-term rentals revolves around absentee landlords who are not available to maintain properties and immediately address issues, but said the registration process cut down a lot of complaints.

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All of the candidates acknowledged the undeniable effect the proliferation of short-term rentals has had on the local housing market and on property values, though Ryan acknowledged there is an economic benefit to the town to consider. Levesque cautioned about the need to balance health and safety with the rights of individual property owners who may rely on short-term rental income to continue to afford the cost of living in Portsmouth.

Abbott pointed specifically to the growing number of Airbnb homes as investment properties.

“They do contribute to our economy, and tourism is a good thing for Aquidneck Island, but it can be detrimental to the fabric of our community," she said. "I think we should do something and we should curb the sheer number of investment properties.”

What actions will you take to assure that the town will benefit from the Act on Climate legislation to fund mitigation and resiliency projects to protect our shoreline and quality of life in Portsmouth?

Payero spoke first and talked about the need for the Town Council to work with Portsmouth’s representatives in the General Assembly to ensure funding for coastal resilience projects.

Abbott and Aguiar, both registered professional engineers who frequently work on coastal projects, said they have seen firsthand the evidence of climate change as they plan for more frequent and higher intensity weather events, and both saw strong and detailed long-term planning as key to dealing with climate change. Abbott summed it up by saying, “You can’t wing it — you need to have a long-term vision for how to protect our shoreline and ourselves from climate change, and then you can find funding for the projects you have planned.”

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Dr. Ryan said the key to success was for the council to trust and work with to the town’s excellent staff, praising Town Administrator Rich Rainer, EMS director Ray Perry, Police Chief Brian Peters, Fire Chief Paul Ford, and Department of Public Works head Brian Woodhead. Levesque called the climate change situation a “crisis,” and said both a piecemeal approach on the part of individual residents and more long-term, overarching solutions would be needed.

“The most important thing is to elect people who believe climate change is real," Katzman said. "There is a person running for office now, one of our opponents, who literally tried to get 'sea-level rise' struck from the comprehensive community plan … Sorry to be partisan, but you have to elect people who believe in the challenges facing us before we can address them.”

What specific actions can the council take to ameliorate the dramatic increases in the cost of living that residents in Portsmouth are experiencing in the cost of housing, home heating, doubling of electric bills, food and other costs that are negatively impacting their quality of life?

Grissett, Ryan, and Katzman all mentioned the new electricity aggregation program Portsmouth has entered with five other Rhode Island towns as a cost-saver in the face of the state’s drastic increase in electricity rates.

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Grissett and Levesque each recommended investing in clean renewable energy, and several candidates pointed to the Church Community Housing Corporation’s plan to build approximately 50 affordable senior housing units as a “good start” on addressing housing issues. Grissett further pointed out recent councils have limited tax increases below the legal maximum, with residential taxes going up by about 2% last year even though the cap is four.

Aguiar said the council would need to take a harder look at the budgets as the country potentially heads into a recession, and find a way to streamline the budget, watch expenses and eliminate anything unnecessary while writing a balanced budget that preserves quality of life.

Abbott and Ryan mentioned the need to settle on a more cost-effective trash pickup solution for the town, and Abbott raised the issue of alternative transportation and infrastructure improvements to make it easier for Portsmouth residents to walk, ride a bike or take a bus.

Lightning round includes questions about Portsmouth trash collection and town resources and services

Trash collection and the transfer station have been a major issue for the residents of Portsmouth. Do you support putting trash collection back in the Town budget?

Yes — Abbott, Aguiar, Grissett, Katzman, Ryan

Didn’t say directly — Levesque, Payero

For some residents, there seems to be a lack of resources toward safety in many Portsmouth neighborhoods as there is growing crime, speeding on residential streets, ignoring right-of-ways and an inability of enforcing rules that keep us safe. Do you agree with this statement?

Every single candidate pushed back on the very premise of this question, saying they would like to see some sort of data supporting the notion that crime is on the rise in Portsmouth and indicating they have seen neither empirical nor anecdotal evidence of any uptick in crime.

Grissett and Ryan praised the Police Department, saying Portsmouth’s chief and officers do a great job keeping the town safe. Aguiar pointed out Portsmouth is historically one of the safest communities in Rhode Island.

Abbot drew applause from the crowd when she said, “I do not believe we are underfunding public safety. The biggest threats to resident safety are East Main and West Main Road. We should work with RIDOT to build sidewalks and potentially put in a bike path.”

What actions will you take to increase government transparency and accountability?

All of the candidates on the dais, and the incumbents in particular, praised the Town Council’s current level of transparency and accountability. Dr. Ryan used the town’s zero-based budgeting approach as an example of excellent governance. He explained Town Administrator Richard Rainer requires every town department to start with zero funding and justify every line item expenditure before receiving budget approval.

Abbott and Aguiar built on this example, reminding the public the town’s annual budget is always discussed at an open meeting where the public has the opportunity to go through the proposed budget on a page-by-page or even line-by-line basis and offer their opinions and advice before the budget is passed.

Referring to the upcoming election, Levesque said, “If you want accountability, this is it — every two years you have the opportunity to say we don’t like what you did and how you did it.”

Do you anticipate any needed tax increases to maintain the town services and programs in the coming year?

All of the candidates said they anticipated tax increases on an annual basis commensurate with increased expenses for the town, which are inevitable as a result of inflation, collective bargaining agreements, cost increases and population growth.

Katzman, Payero and Levesque all indicated in their opinion any candidate who claims they will reduce or freeze taxes is being disingenuous or downright dishonest. Aguiar explained if the public wants a budget with zero tax increase, the town will have to give up on things that contribute to Portsmouth’s high quality of life.

“That will be the conversation," he said. "What (services) are you willing to sacrifice to not increase taxes?”

Audience questions take aim at school regionalization and the senior center

Middletown and Newport have lower taxes than Portsmouth. When I moved here in 2010, we had the lowest taxes on island; now we have the highest. I’m disabled, I’m a senior citizen and I am concerned about the tax base. I know Middletown and Newport are considering regionalization of their school district — I saw in the paper Portsmouth had some questions about possibly joining them, and I believe it could lower the tax base.

The question above is paraphrased — the audience member had submitted multiple questions on one card, and the moderator was reluctant to pose the question in full to the panel of candidates on the grounds school regionalization is not a Portsmouth-specific issue. The audience member pushed back on this notion and asked her question be answered, considering the reason this event was held was for Portsmouth residents to interact with the candidates.

All of the candidates spoke about the differing nature of Portsmouth’s tax base in comparison to Middletown and Newport, given both of Portsmouth’s neighbors to the south have a much higher commercial tax base due to their hotels and commercial properties. That alleviates some pressure on their residential taxpayers when it comes time to budget for essential services.

Payero, who serves on the School Committee, said Portsmouth did explore the possibility of regionalizing with the other Aquidneck Island municipalities a few years ago, but determined it would not be economically advantageous to do so. Ryan pointed out the three municipalities are regionalized for the specific purpose of procuring school supplies, but reiterated Payero’s point that further integration brought no advantage.

Regarding the tax base, Ryan explained Portsmouth is in the lowest 22% of the state and the lowest 33% of any town with its own school, police and fire departments, so he does not believe Portsmouth is taxing excessively. Levesque reminded the audience Portsmouth has a tax abatement program for people on a fixed income who need a tax adjustment.

Are there any members of the TC on the board of the senior center? How much money does the senior center receive?

The Town Council has a liaison on the board of the senior center. Right now, it is Linda Ujifusa, who is running for the General Assembly and will not return to the panel. The council supports the senior center with an $84,000 civic support line item in the town budget.

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: Portsmouth RI Town Council candidates discuss issues at forum