Demonstrators in Minsk Protest 'Suppression' of Women's Voices

Women in Minsk, Belarus, rallied in solidarity with imprisoned journalists on March 8, International Women’s Day, following the release of a report detailing the number of women arrested for political reasons in the country since the start of 2020.

Footage shared by Nasha Nivan shows demonstrators, dressed in black with tape X’s on their face masks and holding white flowers, in a line on Pobediteley Avenue.

According to a report released March 7 by the Viasna Human Rights Centre, at least 141 cases have been launched against women for political reasons since the start of 2020. At least 49 are under arrest or serving prison sentences, among them Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Daria Chultsova of Belsat TV.

According to local media, the initiators of the action said, "Today we are in black to remind about the humiliation and suppression of our votes. But it will not always be so!” Credit: NN.BY / Nasha Niva via Storyful