Denison University and Otterbein Granville affirm their mutual commitment

Denison University and Otterbein Granville, a national retirement community with a location in Granville, renewed their long-standing collaboration at a small ceremony on Wednesday, May 4, at the university. Denison President Adam Weinberg and Otterbein Executive Director Doug Helman affirmed their mutual promise to foster closer affiliation, cooperation and interaction.

Co-located within Granville Township, Otterbein Granville and Denison benefit from their proximity. Otterbein residents enjoy many of the cultural, artistic and athletics activities at Denison and can participate in academic programs as community scholars. In turn, Otterbein provides opportunities for Denison students to learn through internships, residencies and employment.

"The Otterbein residents offer our students opportunities to learn through their wisdom and experience," Weinberg said. "They are generous with their time and provide enthusiastic audiences for our student events and productions. We are grateful for our partnership and are committed to our mutual goals."

Last year, Teddy Reedy '21 worked at Otterbein and served as its artist-in-residence. "The experience greatly shaped my future goals," he said. During his residency, Reedy discovered how much he enjoyed work in the hospitality industry — and wrote the music for his second album.

"Denison has been a valued partner throughout our community’s history, and it’s been fun to watch that relationship evolve and grow over time," Helman said. "The 'two-way' street between our campuses has led to many cherished experiences, whether through a research study, lecture, musical performance, sporting event, or the artist-in-residence program. The newly signed collaboration helps to ensure that our shared programming experiences continue over the next several years, which is exciting to all of us at Otterbein."

This article originally appeared on Newark Advocate: Denison University, Otterbein Granville affirm their mutual commitment