DeSantis expands anti-LGBTQ 'Don't Say Gay' law. Might as well not say 'president' either.

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Reflecting the Republican Party’s latest motto – “Lean Into Cruelty” – Florida officials have obeyed Gov. Ron DeSantis’ command and expanded the state’s “Don’t Say Gay” law so it bans the subjects of sexual orientation and gender identity in all public classrooms through a student’s senior year.

It’s as if Florida’s political and educational leaders, fearing they hadn’t done quite enough to make teachers’ and LGBTQ students’ lives harder, had a fever dream and woke up shouting: “LET’S TAKE THIS UNNECESSARY AND INTENTIONALLY BULLYING ANTI-LGBTQ LAW WE PASSED AND APPLY IT MORE BROADLY!”

'Don't Say Gay' law was supposed to be about 'protecting' young students

Known formally, and hypocritically, as the Parental Rights in Education Act, the now-notorious “Don’t Say Gay” law was signed by the governor last year, and he made it clear that the intent was only to limit talk of gender and sexuality among children in kindergarten through third grade.

At the time, the governor said: “We’re going to make sure that parents are able to send their kid to kindergarten without having some of this stuff injected into their school curriculum.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, probably wondering how much meaner he needs to be to become president.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, probably wondering how much meaner he needs to be to become president.

The best response back then was, “The dismissive phrase ‘some of this stuff’ refers to the very identity of people you are effectively trying to erase, you unlikable troll. Go sell your nastiness elsewhere.”

Turns out Ron DeSantis lied about the law, because it now covers all public school students

But now – now that the allegedly “free” state of Florida has banned classroom mentions of sexuality (unless it’s straight-people sexuality, of course) – the truth comes out. The law impacts everyone from kindergartnersto high school seniors, and the new best response is: “You lied, you liar. You claimed you were protecting young children from something that wasn’t harming them in the first place, but now we know that was a pile of gator droppings. This is nothing but culture-war nonsense you think might help you get the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.”

The administration of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is moving to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades, expanding the controversial law critics call "Don't Say Gay" as the Republican governor continues a focus on cultural issues ahead of his expected presidential run.
The administration of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is moving to forbid classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades, expanding the controversial law critics call "Don't Say Gay" as the Republican governor continues a focus on cultural issues ahead of his expected presidential run.

After the Florida State Board of Education voted to expand the “Don’t Say Gay” law, board member Ben Gibson said: “We’re going to fight for our students, we're going to fight for parental rights.”

Sure, Ben. Unless, of course, those rights belong to the parent of an LGBTQ child, or to a student whose parents are part of the LGBTQ community, or to straight parents of a straight student who want their child to learn that the world is made up of all different people and everyone has value and should be treated fairly and equally. Those rights will not be fought for in DeSantis’ Florida.

'A man desperate to be president'

Joe Saunders, the senior political director for the LGBTQ-rights group Equality Florida, said, accurately: “This policy will escalate the government censorship that is sweeping our state, exacerbate our educator exodus, drive hardworking families from Florida, and further stigmatize and isolate a population of young people who need our support now more than ever.”

Saunders also said: “Free states do not wage war on LGBTQ+ people to score cheap political points for a man desperate to be president.”

The key part of that quote is “a man desperate to be president.” It’s key because DeSantis, by leaning into the cruelty of this law, by embracing similar anti-LGBTQ legislation, by signing a six-week abortion ban, by trying to remove diversity offices in state universities and by continuing a staggeringly dippy battle against Disney … hang on, I need to catch my breath … is charting a fiendishly clever path to NOT becoming president.

Ron, you're in danger of getting beat by Donald Trump, a guy who has been indicted

While he hasn’t announced a run for the GOP nomination, he’s widely viewed as the only Republican who might be able to compete with former President Donald Trump. What’s funny about that is:

A) Trump is a twice-impeached, now-indicted guy who lost the last presidential election and is widely disliked.

B) DeSantis is so unlikable and has pursued so many mean-spirited culture-war battles he has zero chance against a twice-impeached, now-indicted guy who lost the last presidential election, never won the majority vote and is widely disliked.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.

It’s like losing a beauty pageant to a notably angry clump of meat. DeSantis is Jeb-Bushing, to coin a verb, before he even declares.

'Don't Say Gay' might fly in Florida, but the rest of the country is watching

The expansion of the “Don’t Say Gay” law might play OK in Florida, where a recent Mason-Dixon survey found that 59% of Florida voters approve of the job he’s doing as governor. But Florida, thank the Lord, isn’t the rest of America, and I say that as a native Floridian.

We saw in Trump’s election loss, and again in last year’s midterm elections, that the cult of cruelty Trump fostered has played out among a majority of Americans.

Americans will take kindness over cruelty, thank you very much

Most of us don’t want to see lawmakers making life worse for LGBTQ students. Most of us want our kids to thrive in a diverse world and lean into kindness and inclusion. Most of us look at a man fighting a company like Disney because it dared oppose his mean-spirited “Don’t Say Gay” law and see a small man fighting a dunderheaded fight.

Most of us don’t like people who intentionally trample the rights of others in a vain attempt to get ahead.

I feel for LGBTQ youth throughout Florida. I hope they know most people in this country love and support them and will keep helping them push back bullies like DeSantis.

And I hope the governor knows he can lean into cruelty until he tips over, but his presidential hopes are still going to vaporize like a raindrop on a hot Florida highway.

Follow USA TODAY columnist Rex Huppke on Twitter @RexHuppke and Facebook

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Florida expands 'Don't Say Gay.' Why it won't help DeSantis' 2024 run