DeSantis knocks Biden ‘blaming the media’ for his problems

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) took a shot at President Biden for “blaming other people” for the challenges his administration faces and for the president’s sluggish approval rating.

“There’s a fella by the name of Brandon that people talk about that we have to contend with,” DeSantis said during a recent event, joking about a nickname some on the right have given the president as a way to mock him. “And I see this news report where Biden is so frustrated that his approval ratings are in the toilet.”

A recent poll found that 42 percent of respondents approve of the job Biden is doing as president.

DeSantis suggested Biden is “lashing out at his staff” and “blaming other people.”

“He’s blaming the media,” the governor continued. “Even though he gets the most sycophantic media coverage that any president has ever gotten. Compare how they treated Trump to how they treat Biden. It’s night and day.”

DeSantis was apparently referencing recent reporting from NBC News outlining how Biden is growing frustrated with the public perception of his administration and is pressing aides for a new strategy. Biden has also complained to White House staff about efforts to either “walk back” or “clean up” statements he makes candidly or off the cuff while speaking in public.

Biden has rarely criticized the media writ large publicly and directly. He applauded the work of journalists during remarks at the White House correspondents’ dinner this spring.

The president has, however, on occasion sparred with journalists from conservative cable giant Fox News, once calling White House correspondent Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch” in a remark that was caught on a hot microphone and circulated widely.

DeSantis, along with former President Trump, is viewed by many political observers as a leading candidate for the Republican nomination for president in 2024, often using his bully pulpit as Florida’s chief executive to take shots at Biden and Democrats in Washington. DeSantis has himself complained about media coverage of his policies and politics.

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