Desert Sun endorsement: Mike Hestrin deserves re-election as district attorney

Candidates for Riverside County district attorney: From left, Lara Gressley, Mike Hestrin and Burke Strunsky.
Candidates for Riverside County district attorney: From left, Lara Gressley, Mike Hestrin and Burke Strunsky.

Being the district attorney for Riverside County is an immense responsibility. As elected chief prosecutor for 2.4 million people, the D.A. oversees over 250 attorneys who handle 50,000 or more cases a year.

The district attorney decides some of the criminal justice system’s most profound questions: whether to seek the death penalty against a murder suspect, for one, or criminal charges against a police officer who shoots someone.

The D.A. is also the boss of an office with a budget of over $150 million and about 800 employees, who include over 100 investigators in addition to the prosecutors.

Mike Hestrin, who was first elected to the job in 2014 after a long career as a prosecutor in the office, faces two challengers as he seeks a third four-year term.

Burke Strunsky, a Superior Court judge and former longtime prosecutor, is a formidable contender who clearly understands the complex issues a district attorney faces. The other candidate, attorney Lara Gressley, seems sincere and has some good ideas, but appears much less prepared for the job than Hestrin or Strunsky.

On balance, we think Hestrin is the best choice.

We have reservations, as we’ll explain below. But as he demonstrated during the editorial board’s interview last week with all three candidates, Hestrin is thoughtful and experienced, and he understands the challenges and limitations of his job.

His support for “alternative courts” that help people get treatment for the underlying problems that led them to commit crimes shows he understands the need for prevention — not just arrests and prison.

Strunsky discussed criminal justice policies eloquently and with nuance. He talked about why pushes for criminal justice reforms seem to have stalled, saying reform-minded prosecutors in Los Angeles and San Francisco went wrong by issuing blanket policies about how they handle certain crimes, instead of reviewing cases individually.

Burke Strunsky
Burke Strunsky

But during the interview, and his campaign in general, Strunsky has focused too much on attacking the incumbent and not enough on what he would do if elected.

We recognize that any challenger faces an uphill battle against a well-funded incumbent with powerful connections and endorsements.

Even allowing for that, Strunsky hasn’t given us enough to endorse him over Hestrin. Time and again, asked about what he would do if elected, he spent more time attacking the incumbent than detailing his own plans.

If Strunsky loses the election and remains on the bench, we hope he stays involved and speaks more publicly, something judges don’t do often enough.

While ethical rules forbid them from commenting about specific cases pending before the court, judges can use their unique point of view — deeply involved but not a fighter for any side — to explain issues to residents. Strunsky spoke about that in our interview, and we hope he uses his perspective from the bench to illuminate how the justice system works — and how it could improve.

Lara Gressley
Lara Gressley

During our interview, Gressley seemed well intentioned but ill prepared. Her answers often lacked specifics, such as when we asked about Palm Springs police officers’ conduct before a bounty hunter fatally shot David Spann, or how she would address allegations of Brown Act violations.

That was concerning — and surprising, given that she also ran against Hestrin four years ago. We do not have faith that Gressley has the relevant experience for the job.

Among our concerns with Hestrin was how he first addressed the balance between needed criminal justice reforms and holding offenders accountable. Hestrin spouted some predictable rhetoric, saying the “progressive prosecutor” movement has been a disaster and a failure.

If that were all there were to Hestrin, we wouldn’t be endorsing him. Yet once you get beyond the rhetoric of a campaign, his vision is actually more measured than a political slogan.

He spoke of the need for reforms in state law to make it easier to compel homeless people to get treatment for mental health or substance abuse issues, and of how futile it is to use the criminal justice system alone to solve the problem. He sees the need for police to be better trained to de-escalate encounters with citizens so fewer of them turn violent.

Another concern for us was how Hestrin addressed Strunsky’s and Gressley’s valid criticism of him for taking large donations from police unions. Both challengers said that makes it hard for people to trust that their district attorney is being independent when deciding whether an officer should be charged when they shoot someone or use undue force.

Hestrin has raised over $52,000 from law enforcement unions just this year, about 14% of contributions to his campaign, as The Desert Sun's Tom Coulter and Christopher Damien reported.

Hestrin sidestepped the question, saying he was “proud” to have the unions’ support, that reviewing police uses of force are a small part of his job, and that he can remain fair.

That doesn’t cut it.

As Strunsky pointed out, it doesn’t matter that Hestrin believes in his own mind that he can be fair.

We hope that if he is re-elected, he will consider refusing or limiting donations from such groups.

The toxic influence of money in politics is systemic, leading many citizens to believe — sometimes with good cause — that elected officials do what’s best for the interest groups that fund them, not what’s best for the public at large.

Given his important role in law-enforcement, we were also disappointed with the misleading way Hestrin cited crime statistics in his meeting with us.

Arguing Riverside County remains safe as crime rises more sharply elsewhere, he brought a flier showing our 2020 homicide rate was lower than those of San Bernardino or Los Angeles counties, as well as ones nowhere near here: Kern, Fresno and Alameda.

Not mentioned: The other major Southern California counties, Orange and San Diego, have far lower homicide rates. Ours is 3½ times Orange County’s and almost double San Diego County’s, state Department of Justice data show.

Unfortunately, such cherry-picking is too common in politics and governing. If we refused to endorse a candidate who did that, we might have to close up shop. That still does not make it OK, and we urge Hestrin to be more honest with the residents he serves.

None of our concerns with Hestrin are enough to sway us against supporting him, given his steady leadership, qualifications and knowledge of the issues. We take time to spell these reservations out and urge him to make changes because, if he’s re-elected, it will be in everyone’s interest that we have the best district attorney we can.

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Endorsing Riverside County District Attorney Mike Hestrin | Editorial