Dessert Dilemma: Canned Pumpkin or Pie Filling?

Photo credit: Mike Garten
Photo credit: Mike Garten

From Good Housekeeping

When it comes to fall baking and Thanksgiving dessert making, no one is going to fault you for pulling out the can of pumpkin to bake a pie. Well, we won't - not sure about your stickler Aunt Sally. But before you reach for that can opener, make sure you know the difference between canned pumpkin and pie filling. Adding the wrong kind to your recipe can be disastrous, and who needs that when you have to remember whether your cousin is a vegetarian or is now strictly vegan. Or wait, was she the one who did an about-face and went keto?? Choosing the right ingredient won't help you out in that case, but at least you'll have a delicious dessert for everyone else.

Canned Pumpkin vs Pie Filling

Your choice is pretty simple: Use pie filling or pie mix only if you're making a dish and don't want to add your own sweetener or spice. It can't hurt to taste it first to get a sense of the flavor before proceeding with your recipe. For most other recipes, dessert or savory, it's hard to go wrong with the pure canned pumpkin. The product is consistent and making your own, while a worthy endeavor, is time consuming and the last thing you need when your nearest and (most-of-the-time) dearest are about to ring that doorbell.

Pumpkin Pie Filling or Pumpkin Pie Mix

This convenience product is already sweetened and flavored, so it needs no additional sugar or a cabinet full of spices. But if you like to control your own sugar intake, or prefer things on the less sweet side, you're better off making your own blend (and it's probably healthier in the long run).

Pumpkin Puree

If the can is labeled "pumpkin puree", "pure pumpkin" or "solid-pack pumpkin", it's cooked, mashed pumpkin or squash. Pumpkins and squash are members of the same genus and the USDA allows canners to mix them to obtain a more crowd-pleasing consistency (field pumpkins can be stringy). But aside from one or the other - or both - types of fruit (yup, pumpkin and squash are fruit), that's the only thing in the can.

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