Destruction of Russian agent network in Ukraine began in 2020, in preparation for war — Danilov

Oleksiy Danilov
Oleksiy Danilov

“The war began when Putin attacked the Crimean Peninsula (in February 2014),” Danilov said.

“And, unfortunately, at that time he did not receive a rebuff from Ukraine, and he moved forward,” the official said.

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Danilov noted that the “first alarm bells” about a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation “began (to ring) on Oct. 30, 2021.”

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“Starting from 2020, we destroyed the Russian agent network here, and removed the role of the Russian media, which were called media, but in fact were propaganda,” Danilov said.

“We were preparing the country for war,” the he added.

Russia’s full-scale invasion and war on Ukraine started on Feb. 24, 2022, following a troop buildup next to Ukraine’s borders that lasted several months.

The war has now lasted more than nine years, having commenced with Russia’s first military intervention in Ukraine in February 2014, when the Kremlin seized control of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.

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