Deval Patrick ends his 3-month-long campaign, slams the media for describing him as a late entrant

Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is officially ending his short-lived 2020 campaign for president.

Patrick, who came in ninth place in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary with about 0.4 percent of the vote, announced Wednesday he's dropping out of the race, citing the fact that "the vote in New Hampshire last night was not enough for us to create the practical wind at the campaign's back to go on to the next round of voting."

Patrick didn't jump into the 2020 race until November, at which point the rest of the field had been campaigning for months and four presidential debates had been held; he says he postponed his announcement after his wife was diagnosed with uterine cancer. On Wednesday, he placed blame on the media for deeming him a "late" entrant, saying this narrative was "limiting," that he "entered the race months before anyone had cast a vote," and that "we cannot keep mistaking media narratives for political outcomes."

With Patrick's campaign over, eight Democrats remain in the field, while 20 have dropped out. As The Associated Press notes, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is now the only person of color left in the race.

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