Developers give inside look at historic Troy Tavern Building as renovations continue

An inside look at a building at the center of so much legal back and forth in Miami County.

News Center 7′s Brandon Lewis got a look at the Troy Tavern Building.

The Troy Historic Preservation Alliance took ownership of the building in December.

By April 30 it has to make stabilization repairs to the roof and wall.

>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Historical Troy building center of lengthy legal battle sold

Its fundraising goal is $750,000 and it’s raised 60 percent of that through private donations.

So far the group’s had cleanup and demolition work done to ceilings.

A tour of the building showed what used to be the courthouse, a former bar, old bathrooms, and doors from the 19th century.

>> PHOTOS: Developers give inside look at historic Troy Tavern Building

“This is an opportunity for our community to come together and show what we’re capable of as a community so this building can be a rallying point for the community instead of a point of divisiveness. So we’re really excited to turn that corner and help this building be all it can be for the downtown,” Ben Sutherly, with the Troy Historic Preservation Alliance President said.

If the group finishes the stabilization work by the end of April the street in the area could reopen.

News Center 7 will continue to follow this story.