How did TCPalm uncover problems with BMAP? Here’s an overview of our reporting process

TCPalm’s exclusive investigation of Florida’s flagship program to limit nutrient pollution flowing into Lake Okeechobee is the first to show that every single rainfall runoff drainage basin around the lake with available data exceeds the state limit.

Reporting on the Basin Management Action Plans (BMAP) wasn’t simple. It required a lot of research, interviews, records requests and data analysis to uncover problems.

Read the full investigation and see the map and all the charts.

To understand the amount of pollution entering Lake O, reporters Sydney Czyzon, Max Chesnes and Lindsey Leake relied on water quality monitoring data tracked by the South Florida Water Management District. That data is in the SFWMD’s Environmental Reports for 2021 and 2022, in the chapters detailing water quality around Lake O.

Leake and Czyzon compared pollution amounts recorded by the SFWMD to pollution limits set by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

The reporters divided concentrations for each basin by the state limit to determine all of them had exceeded the limit, not only in 2020 and 2021, but on five-year averages from 2016 through 2021. “All” means all 32 of the 41 basins around Lake O that had available data in 2020 and 2021. “Year” means a “water year,” measured from May 1-April 30.

Czyzon used contrasting data from DEP and SFWMD reports to show discrepancies. While DEP reports farmers were reducing pollution, SFWMD reports they exceeded limits. Czyzon referenced Figure 6 of DEP’s 2020 Statewide Annual Report showing Lake O exceeding its pollution reduction target to pollution loading data shared in chapters 8B of the 2021 and 2022 SFWMD reports.

Reporters also reviewed hundreds of pages of environmental reports to understand the BMAP program. This includes the Lake O chapters of the 2021 and 2022 editions of the SFWMD Environmental Report, the 2020 DEP Statewide Annual Report and the Lake Okeechobee Basin Management Action Plan.

To geographically evaluate basin and watershed locations, reporters used an online mapping application available on the SFWMD website. Reporters used the application’s layering feature to see parcels within each basin.

The state’s pollution-tracking method makes it impossible to pinpoint which among multiple parcel owners in a basin may contribute most to water contamination. However, mapping allowed TCPalm to determine that Rio Rancho Corp. was the sole parcel owner in basin S-154C.

Czyzon recreated the map for readers by using watershed boundaries that most closely matched the Lake O pollution data from the 2021 and 2022 SFWMD reports, shown in Tables 8B-6. Czyzon downloaded an existing mapping file from the SFWMD website for watersheds around Lake O, then imported that file into Google My Maps.

Czyzon was unable to exactly match the boundaries of some watersheds because SFWMD officials said they could not locate correlating mapping files to Tables 8B-6 in the reports. Due to this, watersheds not shown on TCPalm’s map include the L-61E Basin, East Beach Drainage District (Culvert 12), East Shore Drainage District and the lower and upper Kissimmee subwatersheds.

Czyzon and Chesnes used Florida’s open records law to request documents from DEP and the Department of Agricultural Services (DACS), including DEP records detailing noncompliant landowners referred to DACS for enforcement and templates of the warning letters mailed to them. The reporters also were the first to request and receive nutrient records from DACS on the amount of phosphorus being applied to the land around Lake O, nearly 2 million pounds.

DEP denied one request for the agenda and minutes of an Aug. 5, 2021, meeting between DEP and DACS to discuss nitrogen and phosphorous applications. DEP spokesperson Alexandra Kuchta said there was no agenda or meeting minutes.

Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office emailed a prepared statement via spokesperson Jared Williams. DEP and DACS answered questions via email through spokespersons Kuchta and Erin Moffet, respectively. On-the-record interviews were conducted with:

Rio Rancho Corp. owner Juan Gaitan declined an interview during a brief phone conversation Sept. 15. Czyzon called his verified phone number five times over two months and left voicemails. Czyzon, Chesnes and photojournalist Patrick Dove went to his company’s registered address, 12390 Highway 70 West in Okeechobee, on Oct. 21, but workers said Gaitan was not there and the property was not Rio Rancho.

Czyzon and Chesnes conducted multiple interviews that were on background or off the record, meaning the information could not be included or attributed in the story.

Sydney Czyzon is TCPalm's projects reporter. Contact her at, 772-469-6045, @SydneyCzyzon on Twitter or @ReporterSydney on Facebook.

Max Chesnes is TCPalm's environment reporter. Contact him at, 772-978-2224 or @MaxChesnes on Twitter.

Lindsey Leake is TCPalm's health, welfare and social justice reporter. Contact her at, 772-529-5378, @NewsyLindsey on Twitter or @LindseyMLeake on Facebook.

Adams Ranch, as seen on Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021, is a 40,000-acre cattle and citrus farm in Fort Pierce that has worked with state environmental agencies for four generations. Farm president Mike Adams, 66, remembers when state officials instituted more stringent regulations. Now, state agencies take a more cooperative approach, informing farmers of needed changes rather than threatening hefty consequences.

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: TCPalm journalists uncovered issues with Florida’s BMAP system