Diego Tinoco Shares His Best Advice to Cope Through Coronavirus

In the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, actor Diego Tinoco shares a few words of encouragement and practical ideas to cope with the global crisis. If you can stay home, we encourage you to do so.

Before anything, I want to take a moment and say thank you to all the doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals on the front lines risking their lives to help save those who have become infected with COVID-19. These medical workers are putting themselves in harm's way every day; many have their own families to come back to. Their bravery and dedication is a reflection of their shining character and will be known as nothing less than greatly inspiring. So thank you to the real-life superheroes.

With this in mind, they are doing their part helping save humanity — are you doing yours?

Although we in Los Angeles are under a mandate from California’s governor to shelter in place, some still don’t believe the need to stay indoors and social distance themselves, saying things like, “I’m young, so I’m not going to get it.” Well, that’s now been debunked as a misnomer and this goes deeper than just saving yourself.

It’s about saving those who already have medical conditions, your parents, the elderly, a sibling with an immune system deficiency, and many others. Social distancing, washing your hands, staying six feet apart, and staying indoors are all ways you can protect the people you love, especially now with the scientific evidence that one can be infected with the COVID-19 virus and show no symptoms whatsoever. Treat yourself as if you’re already infected to help prevent getting those around you infected too.

These precautions are a small price to pay for the gift of keeping the people we love alive! Like many others, I thought this was going to be one of the absolute best years of life. Everything about it felt like it was going to be spot-on perfect. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. But listen up, we can’t let it overcome us. It’s a bump on the road of a very long journey. This is not the destination, so why don’t we focus on the positive? Even the most unfortunate events can be flipped into a positive experience.

First, we have to take a step back and appreciate all that we do have. Appreciate that we get to stay inside our homes, isolated under a roof — luxurious or not. There are people all over the world who don’t even have this fortune. Second, we have to make the most out of what we have, rather it be our skill sets, resources, or talents. Because make no mistake, we will get through this harsh time together and when the day comes and you look back on this time, how are you going to recall it? It could be one of the worst times of your existence. Or it could be turned and used into one of the most beneficial times you’ve had to better yourself, connect with your loved ones, and help save the world.

Here are a few ways to stay productive and cope, if not at the very least, stay entertained indoors:

Meditate, read a new book, listen to inspiring Ted talks and interviews, fight for social justice, listen to your favorite podcasts, help senior citizens, discover new music and artists, exercise, paint, draw, learn something you’ve always wanted to learn, study a new language, journal and write your goals in life, write a bucket list, chat with your friends and family, FaceTime people you’re missing, focus on projects you’ve been putting off, cook your favorite dishes (or in my place learn to cook), watch a movie, watch a TV show (not saying On My Block, but you can! Or Elite), or simply just quiet your mind and hear yourself think for once in the midst of it all. Get to really know yourself and understand yourself. Get in tune with yourself. Who knows, maybe this is a turning point for all of us to simply just appreciate all the little things life has to offer us. In a world where we always want more, and fast, take a moment and appreciate life for all it has given you.

These aren’t just ways of feeling productive and staying stress-free, these are ways of staying mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy — which is vital for a strong immune system. Take a moment, breathe, and know we are going to get through this. To everyone reading who is indoors, thank you. You’re doing more than you can imagine. Like the medical professionals fighting coronavirus cases in hospitals each day, by social distancing, you too are being a real-life superhero by making their job easier.

Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue