Make a Difference: OIC

Dec. 22—WHO — Low-income individuals receiving help at Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of New London County.

Agency: OIC is a non-profit organization that provides vocational training and job placement services to low-income individuals in New London County. The organization will be opening up a Re-Entry Welcome Center to assist citizens in re-acclimating back into society after incarceration.

What to give: This year OIC is requesting donations to provide individuals with items not easily accessible such as neutral-colored all-weather backpacks, toiletries, undergarments for men and women, and winter items (i.e.. hats, gloves, etc.). These items will help to support the Backpack Initiative which helps to support the basic needs of OIC students while they focus on training and job placement.

To Donate: Mail or drop off at 106 Truman St., New London, CT 06320. For any questions, email CEO Nakiesha Grant at or call 860-447-1731.