Disaster response training offered free to citizens who join CERT

CERT's Michael Mijal carries a "victim" from a debris field to the medical tent during a Kitsap Department of Emergency Management's drill in 2022 in Kitsap, Washington.
CERT's Michael Mijal carries a "victim" from a debris field to the medical tent during a Kitsap Department of Emergency Management's drill in 2022 in Kitsap, Washington.

The first disaster addressed by the local CERT was an ice storm in 2005 that shut off power, blew down trees and iced over most of Richland County.

"People said it reminded them of a war zone," recalled Kathi Cutlip-Mills, coordinator of the county's Community Emergency Response Team. "That's what they referred to it as, was a war zone."

Members of CERT are the first volunteers that emergency management agencies call during tragedies such as explosions, floods and tornadoes.

"We have also helped with searching for dementia patients," Cutlip-Mills said.

A 20-hour training for CERT will be held March 10, 11 and 18. The course is free, and residents of nearby counties are invited to attend. Registrations can be made by calling 419-774-5686.

'We encourage people to take the training'

County CERT organizations became popular nationwide after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Richland County's group formed in 2004.

"Everybody back in '01 wanted to help," Cutlip-Mills said. "They had people coming out of the woodwork that weren't trained."

To make sure everyone in CERT is on the same page, members are taught from materials provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Kathi Cutlip-Mills, coordinator of the Richland County Community Emergency Response Team
Kathi Cutlip-Mills, coordinator of the Richland County Community Emergency Response Team

Richland Count's CERT consists of about 50 volunteers, but that number fluctuates every year.

"We can always use more volunteers," Cutlip-Mills said. "We encourage people to take the training. It is free of charge."

Those who pass the training course are on call for emergencies, and are given backpacks and other tools helpful during disasters. By accepting the responsibility, they agree to conduct themselves as directed.

CERT members can live in surrounding counties

Every CERT in Ohio is operated on a county level and managed by a volunteer who coordinates with the local EMA director.

"It's awesome to have the volunteers," said Rebecca Owens, director of the Richland County Emergency Management Agency. "They help us with different projects even throughout the year when there are not disasters going on."

There is no CERT in Crawford, Wayne or Holmes counties, but residents there are allowed to attend the training in Richland County.

Rebecca Owens, director of the Richland County Emergency Management Agency
Rebecca Owens, director of the Richland County Emergency Management Agency

Ashland County has a CERT group that will have a training in May, exact dates to be announced later. Residents, though, are still allowed to attend the Richland County training in March.

"You could very well be a great asset to your employer because it could affect your business as well," Cutlip-Mills said. "So we encourage businesses to send people to the training so that they could have their own emergency response teams within their company."

The CERT members are also not restricted to only working in their own counties. Someday, there may be a disaster so large that CERT members are dispatched from several surrounding counties.

Basic responses to national emergencies

People who come from all walks of life and possess all types of skillsets are needed for CERT.

Some CERT members are more equipped for searching through debris, others for communicating, and some do best in the office taking inventory of supplies and doing paperwork.

"My philosophy on volunteers has always been that if you've got a willing body, you find something for them to do," Owens said.

Training includes basic first aid, putting out a fire with an extinguisher, directing automobile traffic, turning off gas and other utilities, and handling disaster psychology.

National television cameras have broadcast CERT work during some emergencies. Many people might remember seeing a large "X" spray painted on homes after major hurricanes — those markings were painted by CERT volunteers so that the National Guard and other personnel would know when buildings were last searched and details of what was discovered inside.

"So that's when it comes to, you know, the professional rescuers," Cutlip-Mills said. "They know: 'Hey, that house has already been searched; we don't need to spend time there; we can move on to the next one.' And we would do that. We train on how to do that."

Anyone interested in CERT training should plan to attend the entire course, all three days. Sessions are 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. March 10, then 8 a.m. to 5 p.m on both March 11 and March 18.

The course will be held in the Richland County EMA's emergency operations center inside the Peoples' Community Center, 597 Park Ave. East in Mansfield.

Preregistration is required by calling 419-774-5686.



Twitter: @zachtuggle

This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: Free disaster-response training offered for people who join CERT