Discipline, diversity, DeSantis and that other Orange Man: Letters to the editor, Jan. 15, 2022

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Discipline requires 'measured and diverse' approach

Kudos to Susan Hammerling-Hodgers for her Jan. 8 opinion piece pointing out that discipline is complex in nature, and will necessitate a measured and diverse response in order to bring about desired behavioral changes.

As a school social workers in an inner New York City school, I can attest to her opinion. Work needs to be done before any response can be initiated. Questions have to be asked. Was it a premeditated or spontaneous act?  Was the act out of character or was it a part of an ongoing pattern?  What was the provocation?  How was the act handled? Could the situation have been diffused? What would be the most productive repercussion for all concerned.

Congratulations to the board and Crosswinds for developing comprehensive programs to meet the needs of minors who have "health, education, mental health and social welfare needs" which are common causes of disruptive and violent behaviors.

My husband, a special education counselor, and I were fortunate to have mentored a Crosswinds Young adult for over a year and have maintained a relationship with him for the past several years. Mentoring works. Difficulties arise when behavioral change is the anticipated outcome. Due to a myriad of factors, change is work-intensive. Causality might be difficult to determine, interventions, limited.

The community, of course, wants an expeditious solution. The desire for immediate behavioral change has to be coupled with training and knowledge. Police involvement, namely threats of incarceration, can exacerbate the problem and lead to repeated incarcerations.

Pay now or pay later.

Cindy LaMonica, Melbourne

That Orange Man does have a-peel

During the holidays it was extremely disheartening and a  crying shame to see the published photos of the demolition  of Harvey’s Groves.

For those individuals who currently reside on the Space Coast who have no appreciation and or understanding of its historical significance, let me explain that in a time before our rockets graced the heavens and before a certain rodent came to town, Florida was primarily know for its beaches and citrus fruits.

During the holidays of yesteryear, a prized gift for many a youth was an orange in their stocking. I was doubly disappointed to read what will replace Harvey’s: a self storage facility, like we need another one of those. Recently, while I was viewing CNBC, the stock investment channel anchor commented that America is the only county where billions of dollars are mad storing other people’s crap. I had hope that the “American Pickers” would come to the area and save the Orange Man. For those fans of the science fiction “Back to the Future” films, for me the Orange Man was Brevard County’s clock tower. It was a mild consolation to see the Page 1 photo of the Orange Man on a flatbed trailer, and to read that the new owners will preserve the Orange Man for future generations.

Kevin Beverly, Titusville

Demolition began in December on Harvey's Groves packing plant and retail store. The iconic 'orange man' was removed from the roof two days before Christmas and put into storage.
Demolition began in December on Harvey's Groves packing plant and retail store. The iconic 'orange man' was removed from the roof two days before Christmas and put into storage.

Local, state, national problems of concern

Our esteemed sheriff should stick to law enforcement. His involvement with Brevard Public Schools should be by request only, from the superintendent or official letter from the school board.

On the state level, many teachers and other educators are greatly concerned that several of the governor's directives and new laws are in fact depriving the students of Florida of a well-rounded education. Necessary information that will aid them as they mature and address problems in real life situations will be lacking. History has a habit of repeating itself, by not freely discussing these topics their approach to and reaction could / will be harmful.

The Republican Party (as well as individuals) is a complete embarrassment. They need to divest themselves of Trump and like-minded individuals, and select a few "qualified conservatives" (not far right) who realize working with Democrats is not a sign of weakness, but an acknowledgment of their responsibilities to the Americans who elected them. Not a bit of work has been accomplished yet this session. What a waste.

And finally, I recall President Biden assigning the southern border issue to the vice president early in his presidency. To my knowledge she has been there once, (been almost everywhere else several times ) and has accomplished less than nothing. No suggestions; plan or even a hint of actually pursuing a solution, but does numerous photo ops.

Garey Hartman, Melbourne

Guardians ad litem needed: Can you step up?

I have good news for men who would have liked to become a volunteer guardian ad litem, but did not want to be known as a GAL. That is no longer an issue. Tallahassee has decreed that “GAL” will no longer be in our vocabulary; we are to be known as guardians ad litem. So please volunteer.

A guardian ad item represents the best interests of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or abandonment, and are part of a multidisciplinary team including an attorney and child advocate manager child welfare specialist. This advocacy team works together to ensure these children’s overall needs, legal interests, and well-being are addressed in court and in life.

Basically, the volunteer visits the children at least once a month in their foster home; reviews records pertaining to the case, and may speak to people who will provide information that helps in making a recommendation to the Court as to a resolution that would be in the child’s best interest. The volunteer will also write a report to the Judge and appear at court hearings to further advocate for the child. Further information is on galbrevardcounty.org, or on Facebook at Guardian ad Litem 18th Circuit.

Volunteers are urgently needed. Currently there are about 1,000 children who have been removed from their parents, but only about 775 have a volunteer guardian ad litem assigned to them. If you would help these children, please contact Cynthia Rickerd, 321-271-1304, or email Cynthia.Rickerd@gal.fl.gov

Ann Coburn, Melbourne

Many are blind to Democrats' 'dual standards'

How many times must anyone see Democrats' hypocrisy before you realize they have dual standards? One set of laws when there is a perceived violation by conservatives and no prosecution for extreme violations when committed by a Democrat.

Both Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray should be removed from office, with prejudice. Where's all that "equity" discussion that they're always yapping about? First of all, the concept of equity is nonsense, total nonsense. When you base government policies on unachievable goals which are unattainable, they're never achieved. Who’s to say when equity is achieved? It's like climate change: When is the costly change achieved? Answer: Never.

So the programs continue under misguided direction, all the while employing more and more government expenditures and of course more and more bureaucrats, with attendant bureaucracies.

Gerhart Maas, Melbourne

Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., waits for the start of a session in the House chamber as the House meets for the fourth day to elect a speaker and convene the 118th Congress in Washington, Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) ORG XMIT: DCAB169
Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., waits for the start of a session in the House chamber as the House meets for the fourth day to elect a speaker and convene the 118th Congress in Washington, Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) ORG XMIT: DCAB169

Rep. Santos does not belong in the U.S House

It’s a shame all news outlets don't call out all politicians for their constant lies and lack of integrity.

In the real world, if we lied on our resume, we would be fired, terminated, walked out the door. Yet another narcissist, a human in the physical form of Rep. George Santos of New York, has been elected and sworn in to the House of Representatives.

Every time he opens his mouth, it seems it gets worse: His lies continue to catch up with him. It's on tape, dude. This man needs to walk away. He does not belong in the U.S. Capitol, making decisions for anyone. Clearly Santos is not sorry, just sorry he got caught. He lacks integrity; has no shame, and zero accountability on every level. He dishonors the office he holds and the state that elected him; his deflection is sad and totally astonishing — this is disastrous. According to news reports, Republicans choose not to do anything. Their silence is deafening: Why are they not standing up for what's right? I am happy the prosecutors are looking into his fabrications, though it seems Santos is not honorable enough to step down.

One final thing: Where were the Democrats? Why didn't they look into this fraudster? Where were the journalists? Some folks may say, "He is a great politician." Politics=lies. A good fit for the position he lied for.

Seeta Durjan Esmailbegui, Melbourne

Speaking of embarrassing, Mr. President ...

President Biden recently stated it was embarrassing to the U.S. and the rest of the world, the way the Republicans were conducting their voting for the new speaker of the House of Representatives.

He failed to mention that this way showed the rest of the world how democracy is supposed to work, whereas the candidates express their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the candidates on changes that need to be made in the government when they convene.

What is embarrassing is the amount of pork in the latest bills being passed. Do we really need a Michelle Obama trail in Georgia or in New Hampshire, a heated Main Street sidewalk that is rarely used because the stores are all closed? Or an electric ferry to an island in one state to replace a very well-built ferry that has been in service for a long time and only runs once in awhile?

Embarrassment is the president thanking the people of Columbia for their hospitality when he's in Cambodia. Or inviting a representative up to his stage when she died two weeks prior and he attended the funeral.

Embarrassing is that for two years his administration has stated that the border is closed, when thousands come across the border every day and get released into the interior of our nation. President Biden, please retire at the end of this term. Let the Republicans embarrass themselves and run the government properly.

Bruce Mochwart, Melbourne

Bill Day
Bill Day

DeSantis' intentions have been made evident

Ron DeSantis, in his gubernatorial acceptance speech, set the stage for a 2024 presidential nomination citing issues in need of redress. No surprise as his intentions were apparent early on when questioning the rationale of the "Resign to Run Law."

In his debate with Charlie Crist, DeSantis ignored the question regarding plans to serve a full term, eliminating any doubt of his intentions.

DeSantis' totalitarian style of governing enabled him in achieving his wants by deceiving voters with false depictions of causes: misrepresenting CRT, woke, gender transition and COVID safety recommendations. The governor supported what I see as a fascist organization, "Moms for Liberty," in their book-banning efforts containing topics they deemed inappropriate. More evidence of autocratic rule was his vindictive retaliation to the Disney Corp.'s contrary stance on the "Don't Say Gay" bill, revoking their special tax status.

DeSantis' latest allegation, in consort with Dr. Joseph "Quackapo," is challenging development of COVID vaccines despite evidence of reducing infection severity and the saving of lives. Of larger concern is all the gun violence in our state.

Medicine bad, abortion bad, guns good. I'm confused.

Gregory W. Hewitt, Melbourne

Florida is No. 1, and here's why

The Jan. 8 letters to the editor gave us questions and answers.

First we had questions about why Florida is No. 1. Most of us already know why but three other letters explained why.

In the first, a Trinity Broadcast Survey compared political parties and found that "diminished values reap consequences" and that there is a socialist movement rather than a patriotic  movement in the Democrat party. The second and third letters pointed out the "misaligned priorities" of the current administration.  While their focus was on the border, listing the 'misaligned priorities' would exceed the 250-word limit.

But why is Florida No. 1?  Floridians didn't self-identify as that, millions of Americans did. These people left their homes, jobs, friends and family to come to Florida for a better life. Where did they come from? They came from states like California, New York, and other Mecca's of socialism. These are the same woke places Mr. Dorman would like Florida to replicate.  The cost to rent a U-Haul to come to Florida is over double the cost to leave Florida. Soon U-Haul may pay Florida haters to leave in order to return their equipment.

Mr. Doman also complained about the taxes businesses pay. Economists should explain to him that businesses are actually tax collectors for government. Mr. Dorman sums it up by stating he has no evidence to support claims of "cronyism and favoritism" by Gov. DeSantis and the Legislature. That's a great way to make a point.

Florida and DeSantis are No. 1 and we all know why.

Jack Ward, Melbourne

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: DeSantis' aspirations; Biden should retire: Letters, Jan. 15, 2022