District 2 commissioner: A conflict of background and current actions?

Ms. Ebel,

I am again extending you the courtesy of writing directly to you prior to submitting another "open letter" to you through The Holland Sentinel. It is my hope that you might extend me the courtesy, as the elected representative for my district, of responding to the questions included in this communication. Unfortunately, you have not extended me the courtesy of responding to my two previous communications to you!

It is my understanding that you profess to have a professional healthcare background involving significant employment, training and education in the healthcare field spanning a number of years.

Is that correct?

I have recently read, with alarm, dismay and concern, that Mr. Gibbs and selective members of the Ottawa County Commission are considering draconian cuts (50% +/-) to the Ottawa County Health Department's budget. Is it accurate that major cuts to the health department budget are being considered? In addition, is it accurate that efforts are being considered to block/decline grants and other sources of income that the Ottawa County Health Department might be eligible to receive?

If the information being reported in the Media is accurate I need to tell you in the strongest terms possible that I am very concerned by the apparent direction that Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Moss and other selective members of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners appear to be going with regard to the health of Ottawa County residents.

First, you "oppose" significant grant funding, and now it appears that you are considering major cuts to the Health Department's annual budget. As a self-professed "healthcare professional," I find your actions not only difficult to understand but counterproductive to the health of the citizens you claim to represent. I am asking you to explain, in detail, the reasoning/justification behind your obviously contradictory actions!

Mr. Moss and other members of the Ottawa County Commission (O.I. Caucus) have often stated their goal is to be transparent and open. Will they explain at a public meeting and response to media inquiries why such drastic budget measures are necessary and/or appropriate? Why does Mr. Moss repeatedly refuse to talk to the news media and answer questions? Where is the promised "openness and transparency"?

By return email please provide me with the rationale/justification for these proposed reductions to the health department budget. What research has been done to justify major cuts to the health department budget? It is my understanding that all departments (except the "legal department") are being asked to develop plans for a 5% cut. Is this accurate? If this is accurate why is the health department being asked to look at a 50% +/- budget cut!

Any impartial observer would be forced to come to the conclusion that there is vindictiveness involved in this scenario. One would also be forced to come to the conclusion that Mr. Gibbs and selective members of the county commission are acting irresponsibly and have totally ignored/violated any fiduciary responsibility they profess to have toward the residents of Ottawa County.

I expect, and look forward to hearing, your response to the questions above. In the event I do not hear back from you, as unfortunately has been the case in my previous communications to you, in a reasonable time period I will again submit an "open letter" to The Sentinel regarding the issues I have raised.

— Richard Yutendale is a resident of Holland.

This article originally appeared on The Holland Sentinel: District 2 commissioner: A conflict of background and current actions?