DNC member promotes ‘Hoodie Rally,’ voter registration on scene

Democratic National Committee member Pat Cotham promoted a “Hoodie Rally” that she said took place at Marshall Park in Charlotte, N.C. at 6 p.m. on Thursday.

“Hoodie Rally at Marshall Park at 6 pm today,” Cotham tweeted. “Crowd building, people wearing shirts in honor of Trayvon Martin.”

According to Cotham’s Twitter account, “Hoodie Rally” attendees were “registering to vote” on the scene.

Ironically, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, is a registered Democrat.

Charlotte is the headquarters of the 2012 DNC convention, essentially making it the headquarters of the Democratic Party’s 2012 campaign and political efforts in the year President Barack Obama is seeking re-election.

DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller’s request for comment.

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