Doctors criticise ‘pseudoscience’ water injections for labour pain

Critics have likened water injections for labour to acupuncture or hypnosis because of the ‘limited evidence’ it works
Critics have likened water injections for labour to acupuncture or hypnosis because of the ‘limited evidence’ it works - SDI PRODUCTIONS/E+

Doctors have hit out at “cheap” water injections offered to women for pain during childbirth.

So-called sterile water injections have been included for the first time in official guidance by the NHS watchdog to treat pain in women during labour.

The guidelines, set by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (Nice), were publicised in a British Medical Journal article, sparking anger among medical professionals.

Doctors called the pain relief option “pseudoscience”, while others said it would never have been recommended for men needing pain relief.

The water injections are among a range of “non-pharmacological” interventions that have been recommended for pain relief in labour. Others include breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and having a bath or shower.

Water injections have been used at some hospitals, despite the limited evidence of their effectiveness, and have been newly included in national guidance for the NHS.

Tiny doses of sterile water

It involves injecting tiny doses of sterile water – between 0.1 and 0.4 millilitres – into the lower back of a woman experiencing intense pain in the area because the position of the baby’s head during labour is placing pressure on the nerves there.

In theory, the procedure works by redirecting the pain, stimulating other nerves and therefore providing temporary relief.

However, critics have likened it to acupuncture or hypnosis because of the “limited evidence” it works.

The guidance by Nice, which assesses the cost-effectiveness of NHS treatments, said it was “inexpensive”.

It said: “Sterile water injections can provide relief of back pain from 10 minutes after the injection for up to three hours, but there can be an initial stinging sensation.”

Dr Nick Barrett, a consultant in critical care medicine, said the guidance was “based on one paper which suggests it works” and that there was “lots of missing data beyond [the] 30-minute interval”.

“It is relief only from the lower back pain of component labour – not any other pain such as uterine contractions. There was no reduction in need for [gas and air], opioids or epidural” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

“If Nice really wanted to take this on board the poor quality of evidence should have been emphasised and realistic expectations set.”

Catherine Roy, maternity campaigner, said it was due to “natural birth ideology” and “maintaining normality and reducing caesarean rates”.

Dr Ruth Ann Harpur, clinical psychologist, described it as “cheap”, “unethical” and “a trick not a treatment”.

Dr Amir Khan, a television GP,  said that “women’s health has suffered enough with lack of research and evidence-based practice”.

The Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association, which is made up of experts in pain relief during maternity, wrote to Nice asking: “What possible biological plausible explanation is there for benefit with intracutaneous or subcutaneous injections of water in volumes of 0.1 to 0.4mls?

“Because it is cheap and unlikely to cause harm is an inadequate justification for a recommendation, especially as Nice does not recommend other similar non-pharmacological therapies such as acupuncture and hypnosis.”

Giving women more options

However, others defended the decision as giving women more options to manage various types of pain during childbirth.

Several women shared positive experiences on X, formerly Twitter, of receiving pain relief following water injections while giving labour.

A Nice spokesman said: “Healthcare professionals should use their clinical judgment when implementing recommendations, taking into account the individual’s circumstances, needs and preferences.

“We also included a new recommendation that women and healthcare professionals can consider sterile water injections as a pain relief option for back pain only. These are injected directly into the rhombus of Michaelis, which is a diamond -haped area in the lower back.

“We reviewed evidence from 11 studies and found sterile water injections provided back pain relief and could be considered as part of a suite of pain relief options during labour.”

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