Documentary on Dr. John Ed Mathison showing Wednesday at Frazer

The Frazer Church family will have the opportunity on Wednesday to view an original documentary featuring the life and ministry of the church’s pastor emeritus Dr. John Ed Mathison.

The community also is invited to attend the 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. event to be held in Wesley Hall. Mathison will be available for questions after the showing and will also be signing books. The church also will be sharing how the film will be made available and distributed.

Mathison retired in June 2008 after 36 years of serving as the senior minister of Frazer. Since then, he established John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries to help equip pastors and churches. The Ministry also has participated in the global Billion Soul Initiative.

Frazer Media partnered with Wet Paint Films to produce the documentary. The film features interviews with Frazer members, pastors, ministry, family, and friends. The documentary took about 18 months to produce, and included more than two dozen interviews, and time filming at worship services. The film lasts 42 minutes.

“John Ed's influence on the identity and growth of Frazer has been unparalleled in our 130-year history; in many ways, his story is our story,” Frazer associate pastor Ken Roach said. “So, it made sense for Frazer to produce this documentary to both celebrate and preserve John Ed's legacy here for generations to come. However, our vision extends beyond Frazer's internal interests. We believe John Ed is the kind of leader that churches everywhere can benefit from imitating.”

At Frazer, Mathison modeled serving others, empowering people, uniting diverse groups, and staying focused on the life-transforming good news of Jesus Christ, Roach said.

“He continues to model those values in his ongoing ministry to equip churches and leaders. In a time when so many prominent leaders have been tainted by accusations of self-aggrandizement, John Ed's humble and authentic approach to leadership is a breath of fresh air,” Roach said. “Our hope is that others will be inspired and encouraged to follow his example of Christ-like ministry and a Christ-centered life.”

The documentary will show Mathison’s humble desire to empower, promote and encourage people.

“His life is an example of how true joy comes from serving others. John Ed is a down-to-earth guy-someone who loves sports, loves his family, and is approachable for all kinds of people,” Roach said. “Seeing the scope of his ministry, from Frazer's small beginnings to his role in the Billion Soul Initiative all around the world, viewers will be inspired to realize that God loves to take ordinary people and use them to accomplish extraordinary things when they are willing to simply focus on loving God and loving people.”

In addition to continuing to preach, teach, and speak at church services, leadership training events, corporate gatherings, sports programs and other gatherings, Mathison has always been a pioneer in the area of media. Through John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries, he produces inspirational content which is widely distributed through social media, digital platforms, broadcast media and publications. His focus as always is on equipping others to achieve their God-given potential, with a special calling to coach younger pastors.For more information on Mathison’s current ministry, visit John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries - Christian Messages & Pastor CoachingJohn Ed Mathison | Leadership Ministries

This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Documentary on Dr. John Ed Mathison showing Wednesday at Frazier