Who does the Gastonia bond package benefit?

City Council members are promoting a new bond issue. There are many unanswered questions that need an answer before voters vote for this bond package.

Following are the stated reasons for this bond request

1. Street paving and widening. These are items that should already be in the regular budget.

2. Walkway improvements. Same as above. There is a problem with city budget if these type items are not budgeted in the regular budget.

3. Roadway manhole covers. Same as item 1 and item2.

4. Required utility location. What utility relocation and if you knew why was it not budgeted.

5. Reduce traffic congestion. This is a common-sense issue. Stop U-turns at dangerous intersections. Traveling west on Wilkerson near Wells Fargo Bank and just down Wilkerson turning into the Honda dealership. There are many more busy intersections with the same problem. U-turn signs should be placed at these intersections. There should be police enforcement at all intersections passing out tickets to all who violate the signs.

6. Improve safety around schools and parks. Some time ago I wrote to City Council members suggesting bringing police, firemen and National Guard, both active and retired, into the schools to inspire our youth to look up to these professions and want to follow in their path. This was not my original idea, but the idea of a lady running for mayor. Her suggestion gained no traction and I received no positive response.

They tell us the bonds will be paid for through property tax valuations in 2024 and revenue growth. I am concerned that my property tax will go up as many others have that same concern. If my memory serves me a couple years ago my property tax was over $1,700 and it went up to over $2,700 for an increase of $999. I don’t think any member of City Council had an increase percent as high as mine.

Again, if my memory serves me there was a bond issued to widen the "S" curves on Union Road. Those "S" curves are still very dangerous especially during rush hour traffic. Did that money build the conference center or help fund the FUSE District?

I’m afraid the city uses money to do what they want and not the needs of the people. Lack of detail may prove my case. Newspaper articles written by City Council members do nothing to change my mind.

Dan Bowser is a resident of Gastonia.

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: Who does the Gastonia bond package benefit?