What does omicron look like on the Mississippi Coast? Maps, charts show COVID-19 surge

More than 22,000 new COVID-19 cases were reported by the Mississippi State Department of Health over the three-day holiday weekend as the omicron variant continues to drive up positivity rates and hospitalizations on the Coast.

From Friday to 3 p.m. Monday, 22,456 cases were recorded by the health department, along with 17 new deaths and 302 outbreaks in long term care facilities like nursing homes. Of those deaths, one was in Pearl River County and one in Harrison County.

Here’s a rundown of new COVID-19 cases in the three-day period by county in South Mississippi:

Hancock: 329

Harrison: 1,536

Jackson: 1,100

Pearl River: 534

Stone: 182

George: 265

The high number of new cases, along with rise in testing, comes as the omicron variant spreads in Mississippi and across the U.S. The variant overtook delta as the dominant strain in Mississippi in three weeks.

Take a look at how omicron affects the Mississippi Coast in the coronavirus charts and maps below.

COVID cases by county

The shift from delta to omicron

The health department reported last week that nearly 100% of new COVID cases were from the omicron variant. In about three weeks, omicron became the dominant strain across the state.

Hospital, ICU capacity on the Coast

Vaccine and testing rates on the Coast