Does the Shreveport City Council need to hire a liaison to help out the community?

The hot topic at the Shreveport City Council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 24 was the discussion of whether to hire a liaison for the city council members.

The meeting began with opening up the floor for community comment where there were divisive arguments on whether there should be a new position created to aid the city council and the public.

The Director of Council Affairs would assist all seven city council members with work relating to the community and assist community members with getting their concerns voiced to their particular council member.

While some community members didn't agree there was enough work to warrant a part-time position be created to help, others believed that there needs to be multiple people hired for the job. Specifically, one person per district.

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Since the Shreveport council members are only part-time, the issue becomes that if they are called to come out for an issue, they may not be able to due to having another job they're dedicated to. Having a liaison would allow someone who represents the council help the community when their council member isn't available.

"The premise of having somebody to help, getting the things taken care of isn't the issue, it's the follow through that's the issue and the calls that you get," explained Councilman Grayson Boucher. "Because I don't have time to follow up on ten people needing a trashcan in a week, I've got a business that I run."

Councilman Grayson Boucher during the special meeting Shreveport city council called on Friday, January 6, 2023, at Government Plaza.
Councilman Grayson Boucher during the special meeting Shreveport city council called on Friday, January 6, 2023, at Government Plaza.

Boucher went on to explain that while he's fortunate he owns his own business, others on the council don't have the flexibility while working for someone else in addition to their city council duties.

"My concern is I want us to plan a little bit better," Boucher continued. "Let's look and see what we have. We have five employees in the city clerks office. I want us to take a little time, not rush into it and look and see if there's anything that these employees can do."

Boucher suggested taking a look at other cities and their councils to see how they operate and do some research and to table the issue for now.

Council Chair James Green suggested looking at the New Orleans council and their model that they use which includes allowing their liaison to sit in for their council member and vote for them.

Councilman James Green during the special meeting Shreveport city council called on Friday, January 6, 2023, at Government Plaza.
Councilman James Green during the special meeting Shreveport city council called on Friday, January 6, 2023, at Government Plaza.

"I tell people, people love what you do, they just hate it's you," Green said. "They just wish it was somebody else, so we want to do a job and it be effective and if we need some help, then we need some help. It's easy for you to sit in your seat, when you're not doing the job, and say what other folk ought to be doing. It's not that we're going to disappear, and you can't talk to us."

Councilman Alan Jackson assured that he would still be reachable and that the hiring of a Director of Council Affairs is "designed to be the external leg of council" and that the current clerks are only expected to handle internal issues.

While Boucher would like to place a pause on hiring someone, Jackson feels differently.

The inauguration of Tom Arceneaux as Mayor of Shreveport and installation of Shreveport City Council on December 31, 2022, at the Shreveport Convention Center.
The inauguration of Tom Arceneaux as Mayor of Shreveport and installation of Shreveport City Council on December 31, 2022, at the Shreveport Convention Center.

"This is a rush because it's time to move forward," Jackson explained. "Four years is not a lot of time, so in my first 30 days I'm saying this position is critical in helping us move it forward, it's critical in helping people who do not have time to attend council meetings and read every single agenda. We need to be able to have a communications piece that puts this in Lamens terms, so the majority of the citizens know exactly what these seven councilmen and women are doing on a daily basis in order to move this city forward."

Councilman Boucher made a substitute motion to postpone the issue with a second by Councilman Jim Taliferro. The substitute motion failed with the previous motion to go ahead with the new position passed with five votes.

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The next city council meeting will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 3 p.m.

Meredith G. White is the arts and culture reporter for the Shreveport Times. You can find her on Facebook as Meredith G. White, on Instagram and Twitter as @meredithgwhite, and email her at

This article originally appeared on Shreveport Times: Should the Shreveport City Council hire a Director of Council Affairs?