The World’s Best Doggy DNA Kit Is More Than $60 Off for Prime Day

Photo credit: Amazon | John Francis
Photo credit: Amazon | John Francis

From Cosmopolitan

Prime Day starts October 13 and runs through October 14. If you’re not already a Prime member (or if you are but want your own Prime account away from prying eyes), sign up and take advantage of Amazon’s 30-day free Prime trial. There are a ton of surprise deals and savings to be found, if you know where to look—and we’re on the Prime Day beat, so keep checking back throughout the sale for more updates!

Hey, it’s me, Cosmo’s resident sex editor who also territorially deemed herself de facto dog editor because, duh, look at this chicken nugget:

Anyway, I spend a lot more money on my pup than I should and thus have lots of very nose-turny opinions on dog prods, including the fact that the Embark DNA kit is well worth the $200 price tag. But for Prime Day, October 13 and October 14, you can get the kit for $135.

Two summers ago, I wrote about the Embark kit and why it’s so much better than other dog DNA kits in that it allowed me to slide into a certain Insta-famous dog’s account like, “OMG, we’re cousins, hi”—thanks to a family-tree feature not supported by cheaper tests. There were other cool reasons, too, but you’re here for a good time, not a long time, so I’m keeping this short.

The Embark is much more extensive in its health testing: Comparable DNA kits screen for 140 disease-causing genetic mutations, but Embark covers 165. Since last summer, I’ve used a cheaper dog test, and it gave me very little information that I couldn’t figure out by just looking at her.

The Embark kit usually runs for around $200, and I spend approx 30 percent of my time with other dog owners proselytizing its bennies. It’s well worth $135, trust me. What are you waiting for?

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