Are carrots good for dogs? These are the vegetables that make safe puppy treats.

Feeding your pet human food off your plate seems harmless and, in many cases, it can be. Still, owners should make sure their scraps are healthy and safe for their dogs to enjoy.

Foods such as chocolate, almonds and onions are dangerous for dogs, according to the American Kennel Club, because of either their toxicity or their risk of choking.

Make sure to research and ask your vet before feeding your pet any new food that may not be safe or healthy for them.

Can dogs eat carrots?

Yes, dogs can eat carrots, says the AKC. They are safe and low on calories, making them a healthy treat to reward your pup.

Make sure to cut the carrots into swallowable portions and wash the vegetable before letting your pet dive in.

Are carrots good for dogs?

Carrots are cheap, low-calorie and nutritional treats for your pet, containing vitamin A, potassium and fiber. The AKC explains how cold or frozen carrots can help teething puppies and lessen their associated discomfort.

AKC also says large, frozen carrots can be used as an edible chew toy. Be careful your pet doesn’t choke on it.

How to feed your dog carrots safely

The AKC recommends pet owners cut up carrots into smaller, safer bite-size slices that won’t pose a health risk to their dogs. Additionally, you should wash any fruits or vegetables you feed your furry friend, the same as you would for yourself.

BeChewy explores several ways to prepare carrots for your dog to enjoy, including carrot sticks, steamed carrots and juiced carrots.

Check with your vet to make sure adding carrots to your canine’s diet is OK and healthy. Should any health concerns regarding carrots or other foods appear, contact your vet immediately.

What vegetables can dogs eat?

If carrots make a tasty treat for dogs, which others make the list of vegetables that are safe for pup consumption? Here are the fruits the American Kennel Club says are safe, or non-toxic, for dogs:

  • Broccoli

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Carrots

  • Celery

  • Green beans

  • Peas

  • Spinach

What vegetables are toxic to dogs?

  • Asparagus

  • Mushrooms

  • Onions

Can my dog eat that?: Human foods that are safe and toxic

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Can dogs eat carrots?